Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class Polar

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.GalleryObj.Polar
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class Polar
extends java.lang.Object
implements IGalleryType

Provides access to the Polar GalleryObj object.

The properties of the Polar class allow you to customize the visual attributes of a Polar chart. In order to make the supported members available, you must first create a 'Polar' gallery object:

GalleryObj.Polar myPolar = New GalleryObj.Polar();

Once this has been done, using the newly created object you can assign these special attributes for the Polar gallery in your chart.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 double getLabelAngle()
          Gets the LabelAngle.
 boolean isCircular()
          Gets the Circular.
 boolean isClockwise()
          Gets the Clockwise.
 boolean isLastPoint()
          Gets the LastPoint.
 boolean isShadow()
          Gets the Shadow.
 boolean isShowLines()
          Gets the ShowLines.
 void setCircular(boolean value)
          Sets a circular border for the selected polar chart.
 void setClockwise(boolean value)
          Instructs Chart FX to plot the points in a polar chart in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.
 void setLabelAngle(double value)
          Gets or sets the 0 degree label position for a polar chart.
 void setLastPoint(boolean value)
          Connects the first and last points of the series contained in the chart.
 void setShadow(boolean value)
          Used to display a shadow in each section of the polar chart.
 void setShowLines(boolean value)
          Shows or hides the connecting lines for points of each series in the polar chart.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Polar()
Method Detail


public double getLabelAngle()

Gets the LabelAngle. For more detail see setLabelAngle(double).


public boolean isCircular()

Gets the Circular. For more detail see setCircular(boolean).


public boolean isClockwise()

Gets the Clockwise. For more detail see setClockwise(boolean).


public boolean isLastPoint()

Gets the LastPoint. For more detail see setLastPoint(boolean).


public boolean isShadow()

Gets the Shadow. For more detail see setShadow(boolean).


public boolean isShowLines()

Gets the ShowLines. For more detail see setShowLines(boolean).


public void setCircular(boolean value)

Sets a circular border for the selected polar chart.

  • When this property is set to False, the outside edge of the polar chart between each configured pole is drawn as a straight line. When set to false, the chart resembles a Radar type chart.

  • The setShadow(boolean) property may be used to shade each of the sections between poles to a gray scale color creating a shadowing effect. When the Circular property is set to true, the shadow property makes the circular shape of the polar chart visible.

  • See Also:


    public void setClockwise(boolean value)

    Instructs Chart FX to plot the points in a polar chart in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.

  • The setShowLines(boolean) property allows you to show or hide the connecting lines between the points in a polar chart.

  • The setCircular(boolean) property is used to set a circular border for the polar chart.

  • See Also:
    setShowLines(boolean), setCircular(boolean)


    public void setLabelAngle(double value)

    Gets or sets the 0 degree label position for a polar chart.

  • The polar chart's labels range from 0 to 360. The default position for 0 degrees is depicted in the following image (far right side):

    myPolar.LabelAngle = 0;

    myPolar.LabelAngle = 90;

    myPolar.LabelAngle = 180;

    myPolar.LabelAngle = 270;

  • See Also:
    setCircular(boolean), setClockwise(boolean), setLastPoint(boolean), setShadow(boolean), setShowLines(boolean)


    public void setLastPoint(boolean value)

    Connects the first and last points of the series contained in the chart.

  • The setShowLines(boolean) property may be used to turn off all connecting lines between points in the polar chart.

  • the setShadow(boolean) property is used to color each of the sections of the polar chart a different shade spanning from white to dark gray.

  • See Also:
    setShowLines(boolean), setShadow(boolean)


    public void setShadow(boolean value)

    Used to display a shadow in each section of the polar chart.

  • Chart FX plots the number of poles in a polar chart based on the number of configured points per series. When the Shadow property is set to True, the space between each of the poles in the polar chart will be painted using a gray scale shadow.

  • The setCircular(boolean) property is used to control the outside shape of the poloar chart. If the Circular is set to True, the polar chart will look like a circle. If the Circular is set to False, the outside edge between each of the charts poles will be drawn as a straight line resembling a Radar type chart.

  • See Also:


    public void setShowLines(boolean value)

    Shows or hides the connecting lines for points of each series in the polar chart.

  • The setLastPoint(boolean) property allows you to connect the first and last points in a polar chart. When the ShowLines property is set to false, the LastPoint property is overridden and will not display the first and last points connected.

  • See Also:

    2007 Software FX, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Chart FX is a registered trademark of Software FX, Inc
    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.