Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class LabelLink

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Map.LabelLink

public final class LabelLink
extends java.lang.Object

Provides access to the LabelLink object.

The LabelLink class members are used to configure the LabelLink attributes for the map extension. These LabelLink attributes are used to link map data to regions contained in the SVG file configured for the extension.

The DataText attribute is required when populating the map. If no other LabelLink attributes are configured, it is assumed that all other supported attributes of the LabelLink object are the same:

DataText = DisplayText = SvgText

Constructor Summary
LabelLink(java.lang.String svgText)
LabelLink(java.lang.String dataText, java.lang.String svgText)
LabelLink(java.lang.String dataText, java.lang.String svgText, java.lang.String displayText)
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCulture()
          Gets the Culture.
 java.lang.String getDataText()
          Gets the DataText.
 java.lang.String getDisplayText()
          Gets the DisplayText.
 java.lang.String getSvgText()
          Gets the SvgText.
 void setCulture(java.lang.String value)
          Allows you to localize a LabelLink object for a specific language and region.
 void setDataText(java.lang.String value)
          Gets or sets the text string associated with the map data.
 void setDisplayText(java.lang.String value)
          Gets or sets the text label to be displayed for a region in a map.
 void setSvgText(java.lang.String value)
          Gets or sets the text label associated with the regions configured in the SVG map file.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LabelLink()


public LabelLink(java.lang.String svgText)


public LabelLink(java.lang.String dataText,
                 java.lang.String svgText)


public LabelLink(java.lang.String dataText,
                 java.lang.String svgText,
                 java.lang.String displayText)
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getCulture()

Gets the Culture. For more detail see setCulture(java.lang.String).


public java.lang.String getDataText()

Gets the DataText. For more detail see setDataText(java.lang.String).


public java.lang.String getDisplayText()

Gets the DisplayText. For more detail see setDisplayText(java.lang.String).


public java.lang.String getSvgText()

Gets the SvgText. For more detail see setSvgText(java.lang.String).


public void setCulture(java.lang.String value)

Allows you to localize a LabelLink object for a specific language and region.

  • If no attributes are set using this property then Chart FX inherits the system culture.

  • When setting this property, you may need the Language Code and/or Country Code constants for the desired culture. For more information, please refer to the java.util.Locale documentation.



  • See Also:
    LabelLinkCollection.setCulture(java.lang.String), Map, LabelLinkCollection


    public void setDataText(java.lang.String value)

    Gets or sets the text string associated with the map data.

  • By default, Chart FX Maps assumes that labels passed with chart data match the text labels that exist in the configured SVG Map.setMapSource(java.lang.String). For instances when these labels do not correspond, a conversion table is used to connect the data labels to SVG labels. This table is referred to as the LabelLink collection. Each LabelLink object includes 3 vital attributes: DataText, setDisplayText(java.lang.String) and setSvgText(java.lang.String).

  • Using this property, developers may set the DataText attribute for a LabelLink Object.

  • If there is only a small number of LabelLink objects that need to be added to this conversion table, it may be better to add them using the API. However, developers also have the option of creating an XML file with all the needed label links and using the Map.setLabelLinkFile(java.lang.String) property to configure them for the map.

  • The Map.getLabelLinks() property of the Map class is used to access the LabelLinkCollection class.

  • See Also:
    setDisplayText(java.lang.String), setSvgText(java.lang.String), Map.setLabelLinkFile(java.lang.String), Map.getLabelLinks(), Map


    public void setDisplayText(java.lang.String value)

    Gets or sets the text label to be displayed for a region in a map.

  • By default, Chart FX Maps assumes that labels passed with chart data match the text labels that exist in the configured SVG Map.setMapSource(java.lang.String). For instances when these labels do not correspond, a conversion table is used to connect the data labels to SVG labels. This table is referred to as the LabelLink collection. Each LabelLink object includes 3 vital attributes: setDataText(java.lang.String), DisplayText and setSvgText(java.lang.String).

  • Using this property, developers may set the DisplayText attribute for a LabelLink Object.

  • If there is only a small number of LabelLink objects that need to be added to this conversion table, it may be better to add them using the API. However, developers also have the option of creating an XML file with all the needed label links and using the Map.setLabelLinkFile(java.lang.String) property to configure them for the map.

  • The Map.getLabelLinks() property of the Map class is used to access the LabelLinkCollection class.

  • See Also:
    setDataText(java.lang.String), setSvgText(java.lang.String), Map.getLabelLinks(), Map


    public void setSvgText(java.lang.String value)

    Gets or sets the text label associated with the regions configured in the SVG map file.

  • By default, Chart FX Maps assumes that labels passed with chart data match the text labels that exist in the configured SVG Map.setMapSource(java.lang.String). For instances when these labels do not correspond, a conversion table is used to connect the data labels to SVG labels. This table is referred to as the LabelLink collection. Each LabelLink object includes 3 vital attributes: setDataText(java.lang.String), setDisplayText(java.lang.String) and SvgText.

  • Using this property, developers may set the SvgText attribute for a LabelLink Object.

  • If there is only a small number of LabelLink objects that need to be added to this conversion table, it may be better to add them using the API. However, developers also have the option of creating an XML file with all the needed label links and using the Map.setLabelLinkFile(java.lang.String) property to configure them for the map.

  • The Map.getLabelLinks() property of the Map class is used to access the LabelLinkCollection class.

  • See Also:
    setDataText(java.lang.String), setDisplayText(java.lang.String), Map.setLabelLinkFile(java.lang.String), Map.getLabelLinks(), Map.setMapSource(java.lang.String), Map

    2007 Software FX, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Chart FX is a registered trademark of Software FX, Inc
    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.