Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class LabelStylesSettings

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Map.LabelStylesSettings

public final class LabelStylesSettings
extends java.lang.Object

Provides access to the LabelStylesSettings object.

The LabelStylesSettings class support members which allow you to configure the style in which labels will be displayed in the map. Members provide the developer the ablilty to display no labels, parent labels, labels for a current RuleLevel, etc.

The LabelStyles property of the Map class also support these label style properties through the use of flags and bitwise operators.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean isDontShowParentLevels()
          Gets the DontShowParentLevels.
 boolean isShowNothing()
          Gets the ShowNothing.
 boolean isShowRegionBorders()
          Gets the ShowRegionBorders.
 boolean isShowThisLevelOnly()
          Gets the ShowThisLevelOnly.
 void setDontShowParentLevels(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating whether parent level labels will be displayed.
 void setShowNothing(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating whether all map labels are displayed.
 void setShowRegionBorders(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to display region borders.
 void setShowThisLevelOnly(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating whether map labels are displayed for the current DetailLevel or for all levels.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LabelStylesSettings()
Method Detail


public boolean isDontShowParentLevels()

Gets the DontShowParentLevels. For more detail see setDontShowParentLevels(boolean).


public boolean isShowNothing()

Gets the ShowNothing. For more detail see setShowNothing(boolean).


public boolean isShowRegionBorders()

Gets the ShowRegionBorders. For more detail see setShowRegionBorders(boolean).


public boolean isShowThisLevelOnly()

Gets the ShowThisLevelOnly. For more detail see setShowThisLevelOnly(boolean).


public void setDontShowParentLevels(boolean value)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether parent level labels will be displayed.

  • This Boolean property allows you to show or hide the labels for parent levels of the current Map.setDetailLevel(int). The Map.setLabelStyles(int) property may be used to set these attributes as switches (using bitwise operators).

  • The Map.getLabelStylesSettings() property returns the LabelStylesSettings object for the map, which exposes this property.

  • The setShowThisLevelOnly(boolean) property is used to show labels for the current DetailLevel or for all levels.

  • To hide labels for all groups, you can use the setShowNothing(boolean) property.

  • The Map.setDetailLevel(int) property is used to specify which SVG group level to apply the ConditionalAttributes of the map.

  • See Also:
    Map.setLabelStyles(int), Map.getLabelStylesSettings(), Map.setDetailLevel(int), setShowThisLevelOnly(boolean), setShowNothing(boolean), Map


    public void setShowNothing(boolean value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether all map labels are displayed.

  • This Boolean property allows you to show or hide the labels for parent levels of the current Map.setDetailLevel(int). The Map.setLabelStyles(int) property may be used to set these attributes as switches (using bitwise operators).

  • The Map.getLabelStylesSettings() property returns the LabelStylesSettings object for the map, which exposes this property.

  • The setDontShowParentLevels(boolean) property allows you to display the labels for lower levels only, parent level labels will not be displayed.

  • The setShowThisLevelOnly(boolean) property is used to show labels for the current DetailLevel or for all levels.

  • The Map.setDetailLevel(int) property is used to specify which SVG group level to apply the ConditionalAttributes of the map.

  • See Also:
    Map.setLabelStyles(int), Map.getLabelStylesSettings(), setDontShowParentLevels(boolean), setShowThisLevelOnly(boolean), Map.setDetailLevel(int), Map


    public void setShowRegionBorders(boolean value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to display region borders.

  • The setDontShowParentLevels(boolean) property allows you to display the labels for lower levels only, parent level labels will not be displayed.

  • To hide labels for all groups, you can use the setShowNothing(boolean) property.

  • The setShowThisLevelOnly(boolean) property is used to show labels for the current DetailLevel or for all levels.

  • The Map.getLabelStylesSettings() property returns the LabelStylesSettings object for the map, which exposes this property.

  • See Also:
    setDontShowParentLevels(boolean), setShowNothing(boolean), setShowThisLevelOnly(boolean), Map.getLabelStylesSettings(), Map


    public void setShowThisLevelOnly(boolean value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether map labels are displayed for the current DetailLevel or for all levels.

  • This Boolean property allows you to show or hide the labels for parent levels of the current Map.setDetailLevel(int). The Map.setLabelStyles(int) property may be used to set these attributes as switches (using bitwise operators).

  • The Map.getLabelStylesSettings() property returns the LabelStylesSettings object for the map, which exposes this property.

  • The setDontShowParentLevels(boolean) property allows you to display the labels for lower levels only, parent level labels will not be displayed.

  • To hide labels for all groups, you can use the setShowNothing(boolean) property.

  • The Map.setDetailLevel(int) property is used to specify which SVG group level to apply the ConditionalAttributes of the map.

  • See Also:
    Map.setLabelStyles(int), Map.getLabelStylesSettings(), setDontShowParentLevels(boolean), setShowNothing(boolean), Map.setDetailLevel(int), Map

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