Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class MapDataObj

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Map.MapDataObj

public final class MapDataObj
extends java.lang.Object

Provides access to the MapDataObj object.

The MapDataObj is an Array of all the data values that are currently configured for VisibleMapRegions.

The Maps Extension uses attribute objects (SeriesAttributes, PointAttriutes, or ConditionalAttriubtes) to set visual attributes in a map. In order for SeriesAttributes, PointAttributes or ConditionalAttributes to be assigned to map regions, you must populate the map with data (single or multiple series) and a label (DataText).

The map's DataText label and SvgText must match, otherwise you will need to use a conversion table (LabelLinks) to link the data with the svg map.

Developers may populate maps using any of the support data providers or API.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 double getAllTotal()
          Returns the sum of all point values or all series in the map.
 double getItem(int series, int point)
          Returns a Item in the MapDataObject.
 int getNValues()
          Returns the total number of values in the map.
 double getPointTotal(int point)
          Returns the sum of series values for a particular point index.
 double getSeriesTotal(int series)
          Returns the sum of point values for a particular series index.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MapDataObj()
Method Detail


public double getAllTotal()

Returns the sum of all point values or all series in the map.

  • The map supports multiple series of data. This method returns the sum of all values passed to the chart.

  • The getNValues() property returns the total number of values in the map.

  • The getPointTotal(int) method returns the sum of series values for a particular point index.

  • The getSeriesTotal(int) method returns the sum of point values for a particular series index.

  • The Map.getMapData(int, int) property of the Map object is used to return the MapDataObj; the data array for a map.

  • See Also:
    getNValues(), Map.getMapData(int, int), getPointTotal(int), getSeriesTotal(int), Map


    public double getItem(int series,
                          int point)

    Returns a Item in the MapDataObject.

  • Returns a Item in the MapDataObject.

  • getNValues

    public int getNValues()

    Returns the total number of values in the map.

  • The map supports multiple series of data. This property returns the total number of values passed to the chart for all series (nSeries * nPoints).

  • The getAllTotal() method returns the sum of all point values or all series map.

  • The getPointTotal(int) method returns the sum of series values for a particular point index.

  • The getSeriesTotal(int) method returns the sum of point values for a particular series index.

  • The Map.getMapData(int, int) property of the Map object is used to return the MapDataObj; the data array for a map.

  • See Also:
    Map.getMapData(int, int), getAllTotal(), getPointTotal(int), getSeriesTotal(int), Map


    public double getPointTotal(int point)

    Returns the sum of series values for a particular point index.

  • The map supports multiple series of data. This method returns the sum of the values passed to the chart for a specified point index.

  • The getNValues() property returns the total number of values in the map.

  • The getAllTotal() method returns the sum of all point values or all series map.

  • The getSeriesTotal(int) method returns the sum of point values for a particular series index.

  • The Map.getMapData(int, int) property of the Map object is used to return the MapDataObj; the data array for a map.

  • Parameters:
    point - Zero based index indicating the point index to aggregate.
    See Also:
    getNValues(), Map.getMapData(int, int), getAllTotal(), getSeriesTotal(int), Map


    public double getSeriesTotal(int series)

    Returns the sum of point values for a particular series index.

  • The map supports multiple series of data. This method returns the sum of the values passed to the chart for a specified series index.

  • The getNValues() property returns the total number of values in the map.

  • The getAllTotal() method returns the sum of all point values or all series map.

  • The getPointTotal(int) method returns the sum of series values for a particular point index.

  • The Map.getMapData(int, int) property of the Map object is used to return the MapDataObj; the data array for a map.

  • Parameters:
    series - Zero based index indicating the series index to aggregate.
    See Also:
    getNValues(), Map.getMapData(int, int), getAllTotal(), getPointTotal(int), Map

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