Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class RuleDataObj

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Map.RuleDataObj

public final class RuleDataObj
extends java.lang.Object

Provides access to the RuleDataObj object.

The RuleDataObj object holds the array of data values passed to the Map Extension. The supported members of this class allow you to read the length of the data array as well as access individual data values.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 double getItem(int series)
          Gets the Item.
 int getLength()
          Returns the number of values contained in the Values array.
 void setItem(int series, double value)
          Returns a specific member of the RuleData object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RuleDataObj()
Method Detail


public double getItem(int series)

Gets the Item. For more detail see setItem(int, double).


public int getLength()

Returns the number of values contained in the Values array.

  • This is a read-only property.

  • This property may be accessed using the WinnerDelegateEvent.getValues() property of the WinnerDelegateEvent class:

    int nCount = mdea.getValues().getLength();

  • See Also:
    WinnerDelegateEvent.getValues(), setItem(int, double)


    public void setItem(int series,
                        double value)

    Returns a specific member of the RuleData object.

  • If Index doesn't match any existing member of the collection, an error occurs.

  • See Also:

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