Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class CalculatorMulti

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.CalculatorMulti

public final class CalculatorMulti
extends java.lang.Object

Provides access to the CalculatorMulti object.

The Chart FX Statistical Extension provides a vast collection of pre-defined calculations for the statistical analysis of data passed to the chart. The supported members of this class allow you to test, analyze and calculate statistical measures for multiple series in a chart. The Calculator class allows developers to perform calculations on a single series in a chart.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 double get(int calculation)
          Returns the selected analysis calculation (double) for the CalculatorMulti object.
 int getCount()
          Returns the total number of series in the CalculatorMulti collection.
 Calculator getItem(int series)
          Gets a Calculator object for a selected series from the CalculatorMulti object.
 double performTest(int test)
          Returns the P-Value (double) or Boolean specifying whether the configured test has passed for failed for the chart data.
 boolean performTest(int test, double confidence)
          Returns the P-Value (double) or Boolean specifying whether the configured test has passed for failed for the chart data.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CalculatorMulti()
Method Detail


public double get(int calculation)

Returns the selected analysis calculation (double) for the CalculatorMulti object.

  • In order to access this method, you must first instaciate a CalculatorMulti object. The Calculators property of the Statistics class when used with no index will return this object:

    // Create a CalculatorMulti object
    CalculatorMulti calcMulti = statistics1.getCalculators();

  • This method exposes additional calculations you may apply to all data series in the chart. The Calculator.get(int) method of the Calculator class allows you to perform calculations on a single data series in a chart.

  • The PerformTest method allows users to perform statistical tests on all data series. However, if you wish to perform tests on the single data series in a chart, you may use the Calculator.performTest(int) method of the Calculator class.

  • Parameters:
    calculation - Specifies the analysis to perform.

    Parameter Values:
    The available values for calculation are:

    AnalysisMulti.EQUAL_VARIANCES_ZEqual Variancez Z.
    AnalysisMulti.POOLED_ESTIMATORPooled Estimator.
    AnalysisMulti.SAME_VARIANCES_TSame variances T.
    AnalysisMulti.SAME_VARIANCES_DFSame variances degrees of freedom.
    AnalysisMulti.DIFFERENT_VARIANCES_TDifferent variances T.
    AnalysisMulti.DIFFERENT_VARIANCES_DFDifferent variances degrees of freedom.
    AnalysisMulti.MATCHED_SAMPLES_TMatched samples T.
    AnalysisMulti.MATCHED_SAMPLES_DFMatched samples degrees of freedom.
    AnalysisMulti.VARIACE_RATIOThe ratio of two independent estimates of a common variance.
    AnalysisMulti.DFNUMERATORDegrees of freedom numerator.
    AnalysisMulti.DFDENOMINATORDegrees of freedom denominator.
    AnalysisMulti.ANOVA_MSTRANOVA - mean square due to treatments.
    AnalysisMulti.ANOVA_SSTRANOVA - sum of squares due to treatments.
    AnalysisMulti.ANOVA_SSEANOVA - sum of squares due to error.
    AnalysisMulti.ANOVA_SSTANOVA - total sum of squares.
    AnalysisMulti.ANOVA_MSEANOVA - mean square due to error.
    AnalysisMulti.ANOVA_DFNUMERATORANOVA - degrees of freedom numerator.
    AnalysisMulti.ANOVA_DFDENOMINATORANOVA - degrees of freedom denominator.
    AnalysisMulti.ANOVA_DFTOTALANOVA - degrees of freedom total.
    AnalysisMulti.ANOVA_FANOVA - F test.
    AnalysisMulti.AVERAGE_RANGEAverage range.
    AnalysisMulti.OVERALL_MEANOverall mean.
    AnalysisMulti.SAMPLE_SIZESample size.
    AnalysisMulti.OVERALL_MINOverall min.
    AnalysisMulti.OVERALL_MAXOverall max.

    See Also:
    Calculator.get(int), performTest(int), Calculator


    public int getCount()

    Returns the total number of series in the CalculatorMulti collection.

  • Use the getItem(int) index property to select a series to apply a calculation to a selected series.

  • See Also:


    public Calculator getItem(int series)

    Gets a Calculator object for a selected series from the CalculatorMulti object.

  • In order to access this method, you must first instaciate a CalculatorMulti object. The Calculators property of the Statistics class when used with no index will return this object:

    // Create a CalculatorMulti object
    CalculatorMulti calcMulti = statistics1.getCalculators();

  • You will need to specify the series index which you would like to obtain the Calculator object for within the Item property:

    // Find the ZScore of 4.5 in the 1st series
    double zs1 = calcMulti.getItem(0).CalculateZScore(4.5);

  • See Also:
    get(int), performTest(int), Calculator


    public double performTest(int test)

    Returns the P-Value (double) or Boolean specifying whether the configured test has passed for failed for the chart data.

  • This method is overload; If you specify only one parameter (the test), then the P-Value will be returned. If two parameters are configured (test and confidence), then a Boolean will be returned indicating whether the test passed or failed.

  • In order to access this method, you must first instaciate a CalculatorMulti object. The Calculators property of the Statistics class when used with no index will return this object:

    // Create a CalculatorMulti object
    CalculatorMulti calcMulti = statistics1.getCalculators();

  • This method allows users to perform statistical tests on all data series. However, if you wish to perform tests on a single series of data in a chart, you may use the Calculator.performTest(int) method of the Calculator class.

  • The get(int) method exposes additional calculations you may apply to chart data. The Calculator.get(int) method of the Calculator class allows you to perform calculations on a single series of data in a chart.

  • Parameters:
    test - Specifies the test to perform.

    Parameter Values:
    The available values for test are:

    TestMulti.TTEST_MEANST Test for Means.
    TestMulti.TTEST_EQUAL_VARIANCEST Test for Equal Variances.
    TestMulti.TTEST_DIFFERENT_VARIANCEST Test for Different Variances.
    TestMulti.TTEST_MATCHEDT Test for Matched value.
    TestMulti.FTEST_EQUALF Test for Equal to a value.
    TestMulti.FTEST_GREATERF Test for Greater than a value.
    TestMulti.ANOVA_FAnalysis of Variance F Test.

    See Also:
    get(int), Calculator.performTest(int), Calculator


    public boolean performTest(int test,
                               double confidence)

    Returns the P-Value (double) or Boolean specifying whether the configured test has passed for failed for the chart data.

  • This method is overload; If you specify only one parameter (the test), then the P-Value will be returned. If two parameters are configured (test and confidence), then a Boolean will be returned indicating whether the test passed or failed.

  • In order to access this method, you must first instaciate a CalculatorMulti object. The Calculators property of the Statistics class when used with no index will return this object:

    // Create a CalculatorMulti object
    CalculatorMulti calcMulti = statistics1.getCalculators();

  • This method allows users to perform statistical tests on all data series. However, if you wish to perform tests on a single series of data in a chart, you may use the Calculator.performTest(int) method of the Calculator class.

  • The get(int) method exposes additional calculations you may apply to chart data. The Calculator.get(int) method of the Calculator class allows you to perform calculations on a single series of data in a chart.

  • Parameters:
    test - Specifies the test to perform.
    confidence - Confidence level.

    Parameter Values:
    The available values for test are:

    TestMulti.TTEST_MEANST Test for Means.
    TestMulti.TTEST_EQUAL_VARIANCEST Test for Equal Variances.
    TestMulti.TTEST_DIFFERENT_VARIANCEST Test for Different Variances.
    TestMulti.TTEST_MATCHEDT Test for Matched value.
    TestMulti.FTEST_EQUALF Test for Equal to a value.
    TestMulti.FTEST_GREATERF Test for Greater than a value.
    TestMulti.ANOVA_FAnalysis of Variance F Test.

    See Also:
    get(int), Calculator.performTest(int), Calculator

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    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.