Chart FX for Java 6.5

Package SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical

Interface Summary
DataChangedListener This is the Listener interface for DataChangedListener event.
FormulaDelegateListener This is the Listener interface for FormulaDelegate.
StudyChangedListener This is the Listener interface for StudyChangedEvent event.

Class Summary
BoxPlot Provides access to the BoxPlot gallery object.
Calculator Provides access to the Calculator object.
Calculator.Interval Provides access to the Calculator.Interval object.
CalculatorMulti Provides access to the CalculatorMulti object.
Distributions Provides access to the Distributions object.
FrequencyPolygon Provides access to the FrequencyPolygon gallery object.
Galleries Provides access to the Galleries object.
Histogram Provides access to the Histogram gallery object.
IntervalChart Provides access to the IntervalChart gallery object.
IntervalChartWithNormal Provides access to the IntervalChartWithNormal gallery object.
Legend Provides access to the Legend object.
NPChart Provides access to the NPChart object.
Ogive Provides access to the Ogive gallery object.
PChart Provides access to the PChart object.
ProportionChart Provides access to the ProportionChart object.
RChart Provides access to the RChart object.
Regression Provides access to the Regression chart object.
SpcChart Provides access to the SpcChart object.
Statistics Provides access to the Statistics object.
StudiesCollection Provides access to the StudiesCollection object.
Study Provides access to the Study object.
StudyChangedEvent A event which indicates that a Study has changed.
StudyConstant Provides access to the StudyConstant object.
StudyCustom Provides access to the StudyCustom object.
StudyDistribution Provides access to the StudyDistribution object.
StudyErrorBars Provides access to the StudyErrorBars object.
StudyFormula Provides access to the StudyFormula object.
StudyInteractive Provides access to the StudyInteractive object.
StudyLine Provides access to the StudyLine object.
StudyLowess Provides access to the StudyLowess object.
StudyRegression Provides access to the StudyRegression object.
StudyStripe Provides access to the StudyStripe object.
StudyTest Provides access to the StudyTest object.
StudyZScores Provides access to the StudyZScores object.
XChart Provides access to the XChart object.

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