Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class StudyFormula

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.Study
      extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.StudyInteractive
          extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.StudyLine
              extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.StudyFormula
Direct Known Subclasses:
StudyDistribution, StudyLowess

public final class StudyFormula
extends StudyLine

Provides access to the StudyFormula object.

Developers can create custom formulas with associated function delegates to handle processing when a formula is used.

Constructor Summary
StudyFormula(int id, FormulaDelegateListener formula)
Method Summary
 void addFormulaListener(FormulaDelegateListener value)
          Adds a FormulaListener to the listener list.
 double getCurveMax()
          Gets the value indicating curve max.
 double getCurveMin()
          Gets the value indicating curve min.
 FormulaDelegateListener[] getFormulaListeners()
          Returns an array of all the FormulaListeners added to this class with addFormulaListeners().
 int getSteps()
          Gets the Steps.
 double getXMax()
          Gets the Max X value for the distribution.
 double getXMin()
          Gets the Min X value for the distribution.
 boolean isFillArea()
          Gets the FillArea.
 boolean isSpline()
          Gets the Spline.
 void removeFormulaListener(FormulaDelegateListener value)
          Removes a FormulaListener from the listener list.
 void setFillArea(boolean value)
          Gets or sets the boolean indicating whether the area under the curve is filled.
 void setSpline(boolean value)
          Gets or sets the boolean indicating showing the Spline.
 void setSteps(int value)
          Gets or sets the number of steps in the distribution
Methods inherited from class SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.StudyLine
getLine, isBehind, setBehind
Methods inherited from class SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.StudyInteractive
getAxis, isInteractive, isVisible, setAxis, setInteractive, setVisible
Methods inherited from class SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.Study
createStudyAnalysis, createStudyAnalysisMulti, createStudyDistributionFormula, createStudyTest, createStudyTestMulti, getDecimals, getID, getText, getValue, isBold, isIndented, setBold, setDecimals, setIndented, setText, setValue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StudyFormula(int id,
                    FormulaDelegateListener formula)
Method Detail


public void addFormulaListener(FormulaDelegateListener value)

Adds a FormulaListener to the listener list.

value - The FormulaListener to be added.


public double getCurveMax()

Gets the value indicating curve max.

  • The formula must be added to the statistical object's Studies collection before a CurveMax value is available.

  • getCurveMin

    public double getCurveMin()

    Gets the value indicating curve min.

  • The formula must be added to the statistical object's Studies collection before a CurveMin value is available.

  • getFormulaListeners

    public FormulaDelegateListener[] getFormulaListeners()

    Returns an array of all the FormulaListeners added to this class with addFormulaListeners().


    public int getSteps()

    Gets the Steps. For more detail see setSteps(int).


    public double getXMax()

    Gets the Max X value for the distribution.

  • This is a read-only property.

  • getXMin

    public double getXMin()

    Gets the Min X value for the distribution.

  • This is a read-only property.

  • isFillArea

    public boolean isFillArea()

    Gets the FillArea. For more detail see setFillArea(boolean).


    public boolean isSpline()

    Gets the Spline. For more detail see setSpline(boolean).


    public void removeFormulaListener(FormulaDelegateListener value)

    Removes a FormulaListener from the listener list.

    value - The FormulaListener to be removed.


    public void setFillArea(boolean value)

    Gets or sets the boolean indicating whether the area under the curve is filled.

  • The coloring of the fill area is selected based on the current chart palette.

  • setSpline

    public void setSpline(boolean value)

    Gets or sets the boolean indicating showing the Spline.

  • A Spline is only available for certain Statistical galleries.

  • setSteps

    public void setSteps(int value)

    Gets or sets the number of steps in the distribution

  • This value must be greater than 0.


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