Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class SpcChart

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.SpcChart
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ProportionChart, RChart, XChart

public abstract class SpcChart
extends java.lang.Object
implements IGalleryType

Provides access to the SpcChart object.

A Statistical Process Control (SPC) or control chart provides basis for deciding whether the variation in the output is due to common causes (in control) or assignable causes (out of control). Whenever an out-of-control situation is detected, adjustments and/or other corrective action will be taken to bring the process back into control.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 double getLcl()
          Gets the value for the Lower Control Limit for an SPC chart.
 double getMean()
          Gets the Mean.
 double getSigma()
          Gets the Sigma.
 double getUcl()
          Gets the value for the Upper Control Limit for an SPC chart.
 void setMean(double value)
          Gets or sets the Mean value for an SPC Chart.
 void setSigma(double value)
          Gets or sets the Sigma value for an SPC Chart.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SpcChart()
Method Detail


public double getLcl()

Gets the value for the Lower Control Limit for an SPC chart.

  • The lower control limit (Lcl) is calculated by Chart FX when you select an SPC Gallery, or add the SPC Study Group.

  • Once developers have found good control limits for data within there charts, they may Statistics.setFreeze(boolean) or Statistics.saveState( these values using the respective properties. If you save the state, you can Statistics.loadState( it for later use.

  • You may read the Upper Control Limit (Ucl) using the Ucl property. The setMean(double) and setSigma(double) values are also available using the repective properties.

  • See Also:
    Statistics.setFreeze(boolean), setMean(double), setSigma(double), Statistics.loadState(, Statistics.saveState(


    public double getMean()

    Gets the Mean. For more detail see setMean(double).


    public double getSigma()

    Gets the Sigma. For more detail see setSigma(double).


    public double getUcl()

    Gets the value for the Upper Control Limit for an SPC chart.

  • The upper control limit (Ucl) is calculated by Chart FX when you select an SPC Gallery, or add the SPC Study Group.

  • Once developers have found good control limits for data within there charts, they may Statistics.setFreeze(boolean) or Statistics.saveState( these values using the respective properties. If you save the state, you can Statistics.loadState( it for later use.

  • You may read the Lower Control Limit (Ucl) using the Lcl property. The setMean(double) and setSigma(double) values are also available using the repective properties.

  • See Also:
    Statistics.setFreeze(boolean), setMean(double), setSigma(double), Statistics.loadState(, Statistics.saveState(


    public void setMean(double value)

    Gets or sets the Mean value for an SPC Chart.

  • The Mean is calculated automatically by Chart FX when you select an SPC Gallery, or add the SPC Study Group. You can get or set the value using this property.

  • Once developers have found good control limits for data within there charts, they may Statistics.setFreeze(boolean) or Statistics.saveState( these values using the respective properties. If you save the state, you can Statistics.loadState( it for later use.

  • You may read the Upper and Lower Control Limits using the getUcl() and getLcl() properties. The setSigma(double) value is also available using the repective property. setSigma(double) is automatically calculated when you pass data to an SPC Chart, however, using the Sigma API property, you can configure a desired value. However, if you would like Chart FX to calcualte Sigma again, you can set the value equal to Double.NaN.

  • See Also:
    Statistics.setFreeze(boolean), getUcl(), getLcl(), setSigma(double), Statistics.loadState(, Statistics.saveState(


    public void setSigma(double value)

    Gets or sets the Sigma value for an SPC Chart.

  • The Sigma is calculated automatically by Chart FX when you select an SPC Gallery, or add the SPC Study Group. You can get or set the value using this property.

  • Once developers have found good control limits for data within there charts, they may Statistics.setFreeze(boolean) or Statistics.saveState( these values using the respective properties. If you save the state, you can Statistics.loadState( it for later use.

  • You may read the Upper and Lower Control Limits using the getUcl() and getLcl() properties. The setMean(double) value is also available using the repective property. setMean(double) is automatically calculated when you pass data to an SPC Chart, however, using the Mean API property, you can configure a desired value. However, if you would like Chart FX to calcualte the Mean again, you can set the value equal to Double.NaN.

  • See Also:
    Statistics.setFreeze(boolean), getUcl(), getLcl(), setMean(double), Statistics.loadState(, Statistics.saveState(

    2007 Software FX, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Chart FX is a registered trademark of Software FX, Inc
    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.