Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class Distributions

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.Distributions

public final class Distributions
extends java.lang.Object

Provides access to the Distributions object.

Distributions are a way of representing the frequency of occurrence of values of a random variable. The Distributions class supported members provide a mechanism to perform a myriad of statistical distributions on chart data.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 double beta(double a, double b)
          Used to find the Beta Distribution.
 double chiSquare(double x, int v)
          Used to find the Chi-Square Distribution.
 double cumulativeChiSquare(double x, int v)
          Used to find the Cumulative Chi-Square Distribution.
 double cumulativeF(double f, int v1, int v2)
          Used to find the Cumulative F Distribution.
 double cumulativeNormal(double x)
          Used to find the Cumulative Normal Distribution.
 double cumulativeT(double t, int v)
          Used to find the Cumulative T Distribution.
 double f(double x, int v1, int v2)
          Used to find the F Distribution.
 double gammaLn(double x)
          Used to find the gamma Distribution.
 double inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double p, int v)
          Used to find the Inverse Cumulative Chi-Square Distribution.
 double inverseCumulativeF(double p, int v1, int v2)
          Used to find the Inverse Cumulative F Distribution.
 double inverseCumulativeNormal(double p)
          Used to find the Inverse Cumulative Normal Distribution.
 double inverseCumulativeT(double p, int v)
          Used to find the Inverse Cummulative T Distribution.
 double normal(double x)
          Used to find the Normal Distribution.
 double t(double x, int v)
          Used to find the T Distribution.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Distributions()
Method Detail


public double beta(double a,
                   double b)

Used to find the Beta Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.beta(8.14,19.76);

  • The Beta Distribution is a general type of statistical distribution which is related to the gammaLn(double) distribution.

  • Parameters:
    a - Alpha parameter.
    b - Beta parameter.
    See Also:
    chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeNormal(double), cumulativeT(double, int), f(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), normal(double), t(double, int)


    public double chiSquare(double x,
                            int v)

    Used to find the Chi-Square Distribution.

  • The Chi Square distribution is a mathematical distribution that is used directly or indirectly in many tests of significance. The most common use of the chi square distribution is to test differences between proportions.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double result = Distributions.chiSquare(.99,2,4.34);

  • Parameters:
    x - X axis value to use for calculation.
    v - Degrees of freedom.
    See Also:
    cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeF(double, int, int), cumulativeNormal(double), cumulativeT(double, int), f(double, int, int), gammaLn(double), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), normal(double), t(double, int), Distributions


    public double cumulativeChiSquare(double x,
                                      int v)

    Used to find the Cumulative Chi-Square Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.cumulativeChiSquare(.95,3);

  • Parameters:
    x - X axis value to use for calculation.
    v - Degrees of freedom.
    See Also:
    chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeF(double, int, int), cumulativeNormal(double), cumulativeT(double, int), f(double, int, int), gammaLn(double), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), normal(double), t(double, int), Distributions


    public double cumulativeF(double f,
                              int v1,
                              int v2)

    Used to find the Cumulative F Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.cumulativeF(.75,2,4,.99);

  • Parameters:
    f - The value for the F distiribution that provides an area or probability of a value to the right of the stated f value.
    v1 - Degrees of freedom for the numerator.
    v2 - Degrees of freedom for the denominator.
    See Also:
    chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeNormal(double), cumulativeT(double, int), f(double, int, int), gammaLn(double), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), normal(double), t(double, int), Distributions


    public double cumulativeNormal(double x)

    Used to find the Cumulative Normal Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.cumulativeNormal(4.25);

  • Parameters:
    x - X axis value to use for calculation.
    See Also:
    chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeF(double, int, int), cumulativeT(double, int), f(double, int, int), gammaLn(double), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), normal(double), t(double, int), Distributions


    public double cumulativeT(double t,
                              int v)

    Used to find the Cumulative T Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.cumulativeT(5.55,2,3.99);

  • Parameters:
    t - X axis value to use for calculation.
    v - Degrees of freedom.
    See Also:
    chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeF(double, int, int), cumulativeNormal(double), f(double, int, int), gammaLn(double), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), normal(double), t(double, int), Distributions


    public double f(double x,
                    int v1,
                    int v2)

    Used to find the F Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.f(8.14,8,3,1.69);

  • Parameters:
    x - X axis value to use for calculation.
    v1 - Degrees of freedom for the numerator.
    v2 - Degrees of freedom for the denominator.
    See Also:
    chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeF(double, int, int), cumulativeNormal(double), cumulativeT(double, int), gammaLn(double), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), normal(double), t(double, int), Distributions


    public double gammaLn(double x)

    Used to find the gamma Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.gammaLn(8.14);

  • Parameters:
    x - X axis value to use for calculation.
    See Also:
    beta(double, double), chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeNormal(double), cumulativeT(double, int), f(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), normal(double), t(double, int)


    public double inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double p,
                                             int v)

    Used to find the Inverse Cumulative Chi-Square Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.nnverseCummulativeChiSquare(.90,1,.97);

  • Parameters:
    p - Inverse cumulative probability.
    v - Degrees of freedom.
    See Also:
    chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeF(double, int, int), cumulativeNormal(double), cumulativeT(double, int), f(double, int, int), gammaLn(double), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), normal(double), t(double, int), Distributions


    public double inverseCumulativeF(double p,
                                     int v1,
                                     int v2)

    Used to find the Inverse Cumulative F Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.inverseCumulativeF(.5,2,5,4.1);

  • Parameters:
    p - Inverse cumulative probability.
    v1 - Degrees of freedom for the numerator.
    v2 - Degrees of freedom for the denominator.
    See Also:
    chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeF(double, int, int), cumulativeNormal(double), cumulativeT(double, int), f(double, int, int), gammaLn(double), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), normal(double), t(double, int), Distributions


    public double inverseCumulativeNormal(double p)

    Used to find the Inverse Cumulative Normal Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.inverseCummulativeNormal(.90);

  • Parameters:
    p - Inverse cumulative probability.
    See Also:
    chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeF(double, int, int), cumulativeNormal(double), cumulativeT(double, int), f(double, int, int), gammaLn(double), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), normal(double), t(double, int), Distributions


    public double inverseCumulativeT(double p,
                                     int v)

    Used to find the Inverse Cummulative T Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.nnverseCummulativeT(.98,3,3.44);

  • Parameters:
    p - Inverse cumulative probability.
    v - Degrees of freedom.
    See Also:
    chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeF(double, int, int), cumulativeNormal(double), cumulativeT(double, int), f(double, int, int), gammaLn(double), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), normal(double), t(double, int)


    public double normal(double x)

    Used to find the Normal Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.normal(15.5);

  • Parameters:
    x - X axis value to use for calculation.
    See Also:
    chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeF(double, int, int), cumulativeNormal(double), cumulativeT(double, int), f(double, int, int), gammaLn(double), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), t(double, int), Distributions


    public double t(double x,
                    int v)

    Used to find the T Distribution.

  • This method is part of the static Distributions class. To property access this method, you must access the Distributions class directly:

    double results = Distributions.t(.90, 3, 34.5);

  • Parameters:
    x - X axis value to use for calculation.
    v - Degrees of freedom.
    See Also:
    chiSquare(double, int), cumulativeChiSquare(double, int), cumulativeF(double, int, int), cumulativeNormal(double), cumulativeT(double, int), f(double, int, int), gammaLn(double), inverseCumulativeChiSquare(double, int), inverseCumulativeF(double, int, int), inverseCumulativeNormal(double), inverseCumulativeT(double, int), normal(double)

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