Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class StudyTest

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.Study
      extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.StudyTest

public final class StudyTest
extends Study

Provides access to the StudyTest object.

This class is specifically used to control attributes of test studies.

Constructor Summary
StudyTest(int studyType, int id)
Method Summary
 int getConfidence()
          Gets the Confidence.
 boolean isShowConfidence()
          Gets the ShowConfidence.
 void setConfidence(int value)
          Gets or sets the confidence level for the selected test.
 void setShowConfidence(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating whether the confidence level will be displayed.
Methods inherited from class SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.Study
createStudyAnalysis, createStudyAnalysisMulti, createStudyDistributionFormula, createStudyTest, createStudyTestMulti, getDecimals, getID, getText, getValue, isBold, isIndented, setBold, setDecimals, setIndented, setText, setValue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StudyTest(int studyType,
                 int id)
Method Detail


public int getConfidence()

Gets the Confidence. For more detail see setConfidence(int).


public boolean isShowConfidence()

Gets the ShowConfidence. For more detail see setShowConfidence(boolean).


public void setConfidence(int value)

Gets or sets the confidence level for the selected test.

  • You can obtain the StudyTest object for a selected test when adding the test to the Studies collection as follows:

    StudyTest test1 = (StudyTest) statistics1.getStudies().addTest(Test.REGRESSION_FTEST);

  • See Also:
    Statistics.getStudies(), StudiesCollection.add(java.lang.Object), Statistics, StudiesCollection


    public void setShowConfidence(boolean value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the confidence level will be displayed.

  • When this property is set to false, the pass or fail results will be displayed for the test in the legend. When set to true, the actual probablity value will be displayed in the legend.

  • You can obtain the StudyTest object for a selected test when adding the test to the Studies collection as follows:

    StudyTest test1 = (StudyTest) statistics1.getStudies().addTest(Test.REGRESSION_FTEST);

  • See Also:
    setConfidence(int), StudiesCollection.add(java.lang.Object), StudiesCollection, Statistics

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