Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class IntervalChart

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.IntervalChart
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
IntervalChartWithNormal, Ogive

public abstract class IntervalChart
extends java.lang.Object
implements IGalleryType

Provides access to the IntervalChart gallery object.

The IntervalChart class supports the creation and customization of chart interval markers. These markers can help the user to quickly determine the distribution of plotted values in a chart. Some of the other classes derive from this IntervalChart class, including the Histogram, FrequencyPolygon and Ogive gallery classes.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 double getDataMax()
          Gets the DataMax.
 double getDataMin()
          Gets the DataMin.
 int getIntervals()
          Gets the Intervals.
 void setDataMax(double value)
          Gets or sets the maximum range value used for a Histogram chart.
 void setDataMin(double value)
          Gets or sets the minimum range value used for a Histogram chart.
 void setIntervals(int value)
          Gets or sets the number of intervals that will be used to plot the IntervalChart.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IntervalChart()
Method Detail


public double getDataMax()

Gets the DataMax. For more detail see setDataMax(double).


public double getDataMin()

Gets the DataMin. For more detail see setDataMin(double).


public int getIntervals()

Gets the Intervals. For more detail see setIntervals(int).


public void setDataMax(double value)

Gets or sets the maximum range value used for a Histogram chart.

  • This property is used to get or set the maximum range value for a Histogram chart. The setDataMin(double) property is used to set the minimum range value.

  • The setIntervals(int) property may be used to configure the number of "buckets" (Intervals) a histogram chart will include in the X Axis. You can determine the size of each Interval using the following:

    Interval Size = (DataMax - DataMin) / Intervals

  • See Also:
    setIntervals(int), setDataMin(double)


    public void setDataMin(double value)

    Gets or sets the minimum range value used for a Histogram chart.

  • This property is used to get or set the minimum range value for a Histogram chart. The setDataMax(double) property is used to set the maximum range value.

  • The setIntervals(int) property may be used to configure the number of "buckets" (Intervals) a histogram chart will include in the X Axis. You can determine the size of each Interval using the following:

    Interval Size = (DataMax - DataMin) / Intervals

  • See Also:
    setDataMax(double), setIntervals(int)


    public void setIntervals(int value)

    Gets or sets the number of intervals that will be used to plot the IntervalChart.

    See Also:
    FrequencyPolygon, Ogive, Histogram

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    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.