Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class IntervalChartWithNormal

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.IntervalChart
      extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.IntervalChartWithNormal
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
FrequencyPolygon, Histogram

public abstract class IntervalChartWithNormal
extends IntervalChart
implements IGalleryType

Provides access to the IntervalChartWithNormal gallery object.

The IntervalChartWithNormal class supports the customization of chart's including interval markers and a Normal Distribution curve. Some of the other classes derive from the IntervalChartWithNormal class, including the Histogram and FrequencyPolygon gallery classes.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int getLimitLeft()
          Gets the LimitLeft.
 int getLimitRight()
          Gets the LimitRight.
 java.awt.Color getLimitsColor()
          Gets the LimitsColor.
 double getPercentageLeft()
          Gets the percentage of the plot left of the interval.
 double getPercentageRight()
          Gets the percentage of the plot right of the interval.
 boolean isShowLimits()
          Gets the ShowLimits.
 boolean isShowNormal()
          Gets the ShowNormal.
 void setLimitLeft(int value)
          Gets or sets a value for the left interval limit.
 void setLimitRight(int value)
          Gets or sets a value for the right interval limit.
 void setLimitsColor(java.awt.Color value)
          Gets or sets the color for the limit markers for chart intervals.
 void setShowLimits(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the interval markers.
 void setShowNormal(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the Normal curve.
Methods inherited from class SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.IntervalChart
getDataMax, getDataMin, getIntervals, setDataMax, setDataMin, setIntervals
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IntervalChartWithNormal()
Method Detail


public int getLimitLeft()

Gets the LimitLeft. For more detail see setLimitLeft(int).


public int getLimitRight()

Gets the LimitRight. For more detail see setLimitRight(int).


public java.awt.Color getLimitsColor()

Gets the LimitsColor. For more detail see setLimitsColor(java.awt.Color).


public double getPercentageLeft()

Gets the percentage of the plot left of the interval.

  • This is a read only property.

  • The getPercentageRight() propety allows you to read the percentage of the plot right of the limit marker.

  • See Also:
    IntervalChart.setIntervals(int), setLimitLeft(int), setLimitRight(int), setLimitsColor(java.awt.Color), getPercentageRight(), setShowLimits(boolean), FrequencyPolygon, Ogive, Histogram


    public double getPercentageRight()

    Gets the percentage of the plot right of the interval.

  • This is a read only property.

  • The getPercentageLeft() propety allows you to read the percentage of the plot left of the limit marker.

  • See Also:
    IntervalChart.setIntervals(int), setLimitLeft(int), setLimitRight(int), setLimitsColor(java.awt.Color), getPercentageLeft(), setShowLimits(boolean), FrequencyPolygon, Ogive, Histogram


    public boolean isShowLimits()

    Gets the ShowLimits. For more detail see setShowLimits(boolean).


    public boolean isShowNormal()

    Gets the ShowNormal. For more detail see setShowNormal(boolean).


    public void setLimitLeft(int value)

    Gets or sets a value for the left interval limit.

  • The setLimitRight(int) property is used to get or set a value for the right limit.

  • The getPercentageLeft() and getPercentageRight() properties can be used to read the percentage of the plot left and right of the limit markers.

  • Use the setLimitsColor(java.awt.Color) to configure the color for the limit markers and labels.

  • See Also:
    setLimitRight(int), IntervalChart.setIntervals(int), setLimitsColor(java.awt.Color), getPercentageLeft(), getPercentageRight(), setShowLimits(boolean), FrequencyPolygon, Ogive, Histogram


    public void setLimitRight(int value)

    Gets or sets a value for the right interval limit.

  • The setLimitLeft(int) property is used to get or set a value for the left limit.

  • The getPercentageLeft() and getPercentageRight() properties can be used to read the percentage of the plot left and right of the limit markers.

  • Use the setLimitsColor(java.awt.Color) to configure the color for the limit markers and labels.

  • See Also:
    setLimitLeft(int), IntervalChart.setIntervals(int), setLimitsColor(java.awt.Color), getPercentageLeft(), getPercentageRight(), setShowLimits(boolean), FrequencyPolygon, Ogive, Histogram


    public void setLimitsColor(java.awt.Color value)

    Gets or sets the color for the limit markers for chart intervals.

  • The getPercentageLeft() and getPercentageRight() properties can be used to read the percentage of the plot left and right of the limit markers.

  • The setLimitLeft(int) property is used to get or set a value for the left limit. The setLimitRight(int) property is used to get or set a value for the right limit.

  • See Also:
    setLimitLeft(int), IntervalChart.setIntervals(int), getPercentageLeft(), getPercentageRight(), setShowLimits(boolean), FrequencyPolygon, Ogive, Histogram


    public void setShowLimits(boolean value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the interval markers.

  • This property is used to show or hide the configured limit markers in a chart.

  • The getPercentageLeft() and getPercentageRight() properties can be used to read the percentage of the plot left and right of the limit markers.

  • The setLimitLeft(int) property is used to get or set a value for the left limit. The setLimitRight(int) property is used to get or set a value for the right limit.

  • See Also:
    IntervalChart.setIntervals(int), setLimitLeft(int), setLimitRight(int), setLimitsColor(java.awt.Color), getPercentageLeft(), getPercentageRight(), FrequencyPolygon, Ogive, Histogram


    public void setShowNormal(boolean value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the Normal curve.

  • The getPercentageLeft() and getPercentageRight() properties can be used to read the percentage of the plot left and right of the limit markers.

  • The setLimitLeft(int) property is used to get or set a value for the left limit. The setLimitRight(int) property is used to get or set a value for the right limit.

  • See Also:
    getPercentageLeft(), getPercentageRight(), setLimitLeft(int), setLimitRight(int), IntervalChart

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    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.