Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class Galleries

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Statistical.Galleries

public final class Galleries
extends java.lang.Object

Provides access to the Galleries object.

The Chart FX Statistical Extension provides additional statistical gallery types. The supported members of this class expose the properties used to return the a selected statistical gallery object which may then be assigned to the chart's GalleryObj property. Additionally, each of the supported members may be used to access the repective class object for further attribute assignment.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 BoxPlot getBoxPlot()
          Returns a BoxPlot gallery object.
 int getCurrent()
          Gets the Current.
 FrequencyPolygon getFrequencyPolygon()
          Returns a FrequencyPolygon gallery object.
 Histogram getHistogram()
          Returns a Histogram gallery object.
 NPChart getNPChart()
          Returns a NPChart gallery object.
 Ogive getOgive()
          Returns a Ogive gallery object.
 PChart getPChart()
          Returns a PChart gallery object.
 RChart getRChart()
          Returns a RChart gallery object.
 Regression getRegression()
          Returns a Regression gallery object.
 XChart getXChart()
          Returns a XChart gallery object.
 void setCurrent(int value)
          Gets or sets the current statistical gallery.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Galleries()
Method Detail


public BoxPlot getBoxPlot()

Returns a BoxPlot gallery object.

  • The Statistical extension supports a number of new gallery types. In order to set one of the supported gallery types to the chart, you must set the chart's GalleryObj equal to the desired statistic gallery. The following code could be used to configure the BoxPlot statistical chart:


  • This property exposes a BoxPlot object, please see the BoxPlot class for the supported members allowing customization of this object.

  • The Statistics.getGallery() property of the Statistics class allows you to access this property.

  • See Also:
    Statistics.getGallery(), BoxPlot, Statistics


    public int getCurrent()

    Gets the Current. For more detail see setCurrent(int).


    public FrequencyPolygon getFrequencyPolygon()

    Returns a FrequencyPolygon gallery object.

  • The Statistical extension supports a number of new gallery types. In order to set one of the supported gallery types to the chart, you must set the chart's GalleryObj equal to the desired statistic gallery. The following code could be used to configure the FrequencyPolygon statistical chart:


  • This property exposes an FrequencyPolygon object which may by use the FrequencyPolygon class to modify attributes. This class is derived form the IntervalChart class however, so please also see the IntervalChart class for the supported members allowing customization of this object.

  • The Statistics.getGallery() property of the Statistics class allows you to access this property.

  • See Also:
    Statistics.getGallery(), IntervalChart, FrequencyPolygon, Statistics


    public Histogram getHistogram()

    Returns a Histogram gallery object.

  • The Statistical extension supports a number of new gallery types. In order to set one of the supported gallery types to the chart, you must set the chart's GalleryObj equal to the desired statistic gallery. The following code could be used to configure the Histogram statistical chart:


  • This property exposes an FrequencyPolygonHistogram object which may by use the Histogram class to modify attributes. This class is derived form the IntervalChart class however, so please also see the IntervalChart class for the supported members allowing customization of this object.

  • The Statistics.getGallery() property of the Statistics class allows you to access this property.

  • See Also:
    Statistics.getGallery(), Histogram, IntervalChart, Statistics


    public NPChart getNPChart()

    Returns a NPChart gallery object.

  • The NPChart is one of the Statistical Process Control (SPC) chart galleries available in the Galleries class. Others include the getPChart(), getRChart(), and getXChart().

  • The Statistical extension supports a number of new gallery types. In order to set one of the supported gallery types to the chart, you must set the chart's GalleryObj equal to the desired statistic gallery. The following code could be used to configure the NPChart statistical chart:


  • The Statistics.getGallery() property of the Statistics class allows you to access this property.

  • See Also:
    getPChart(), getRChart(), getXChart(), Statistics.getGallery(), Statistics


    public Ogive getOgive()

    Returns a Ogive gallery object.

  • The Statistical extension supports a number of new gallery types. In order to set one of the supported gallery types to the chart, you must set the chart's GalleryObj equal to the desired statistic gallery. The following code could be used to configure the Ogive statistical chart:


  • This property exposes an Ogive object, however, please see the IntervalChart class for the supported members allowing customization of this object.

  • The Statistics.getGallery() property of the Statistics class allows you to access this property.

  • See Also:
    getBoxPlot(), getFrequencyPolygon(), getHistogram(), getRegression(), Statistics.getGallery(), IntervalChart, Statistics


    public PChart getPChart()

    Returns a PChart gallery object.

  • The PChart is one of the Statistical Process Control (SPC) chart galleries available in the Galleries class. Others include the getNPChart(), getRChart(), and getXChart().

  • The Statistical extension supports a number of new gallery types. In order to set one of the supported gallery types to the chart, you must set the chart's GalleryObj equal to the desired statistic gallery. The following code could be used to configure the PChart statistical chart:


  • The Statistics.getGallery() property of the Statistics class allows you to access this property.

  • See Also:
    getNPChart(), getRChart(), getXChart(), Statistics.getGallery(), Statistics


    public RChart getRChart()

    Returns a RChart gallery object.

  • The RChart is one of the Statistical Process Control (SPC) chart galleries available in the Galleries class. Others include the getNPChart(), getPChart(), and getXChart().

  • The Statistical extension supports a number of new gallery types. In order to set one of the supported gallery types to the chart, you must set the chart's GalleryObj equal to the desired statistic gallery. The following code could be used to configure the RChart statistical chart:


  • The Statistics.getGallery() property of the Statistics class allows you to access this property.

  • See Also:
    getNPChart(), getPChart(), getXChart(), Statistics.getGallery(), Statistics


    public Regression getRegression()

    Returns a Regression gallery object.

  • The Statistical extension supports a number of new gallery types. In order to set one of the supported gallery types to the chart, you must set the chart's GalleryObj equal to the desired statistic gallery. The following code could be used to configure the Regression statistical chart:


  • The Statistics.getGallery() property of the Statistics class allows you to access this property.

  • See Also:
    getBoxPlot(), getFrequencyPolygon(), getHistogram(), getOgive(), Statistics.getGallery(), Statistics


    public XChart getXChart()

    Returns a XChart gallery object.

  • The XChart is one of the Statistical Process Control (SPC) chart galleries available in the Galleries class. Others include the getNPChart(), getPChart(), and getRChart().

  • The Statistical extension supports a number of new gallery types. In order to set one of the supported gallery types to the chart, you must set the chart's GalleryObj equal to the desired statistic gallery. The following code could be used to configure the XChart statistical chart:


  • The Statistics.getGallery() property of the Statistics class allows you to access this property.

  • See Also:
    getNPChart(), getPChart(), getRChart(), Statistics.getGallery(), Statistics


    public void setCurrent(int value)

    Gets or sets the current statistical gallery.

    Gallery : Statistical Gallery types.
    Gallery.BOX_PLOTBoxPlot gallery
    Gallery.HISTOGRAMHistogram gallery
    Gallery.FREQUENCY_POLYGONFrequencyPolygon gallery
    Gallery.OGIVEOgive gallery
    Gallery.REGRESSIONRegression gallery
    Gallery.XCHARTXChart gallery
    Gallery.RCHARTRChart gallery
    Gallery.PCHARTPChart gallery
    Gallery.NPCHARTNPChart gallery

  • You may configure the gallery for the chart using the chart's GalleryObj property, or using this property (Both these code snippets do the same thing):


  • This property is probably most useful to the developer when identifying which gallery is currently selected in the chart.


    2007 Software FX, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Chart FX is a registered trademark of Software FX, Inc
    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.