Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class ChartServer

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.ChartCore
      extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart
          extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.ChartServer

public final class ChartServer
extends Chart

Provides access to the Chart object under the application server context.

This class, which extends Chart, is used to create charts in servlets and JSP pages. The servlet Context, Request and Response objects are necessary to properly interact with the application server.

For more details, see Chart.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart
Constructor Summary
ChartServer(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
ChartServer(javax.servlet.ServletContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getHtmlTag(java.lang.Object objWidth, java.lang.Object objHeight, java.lang.String tag)
          Allows Chart FX for Java Server to determine the browser posting the request and return the appropriate tag to the browser for displaying the chart.
 boolean isMemImage()
          Gets the MemImage.
 void setMemImage(boolean memImage)
          Get or Set a property to instruct Chart FX to generate the image in the server memory.
 void setWebContainer(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
          Sets the web environment to the ChartServer object.
 void setWebContainer(javax.servlet.ServletContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
          Sets the web environment to the ChartServer object.
Methods inherited from class SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart
dateToNumber, dateToNumber, getFont, getHeight, getHtmlData, getHtmlDataEx, getHtmlTag, getHtmlTag, getHtmlTag, getID, getImgHeight, getImgMap, getImgQuality, getImgTags, getImgWidth, getOutputWriter, getProxyUri, getURL, getURLOptions, getURLParamMask, getURLTarget, getWidth, isEmbeddedData, isImgSizeable, isMainClient, loadDefault, setConfigPath, setEmbeddedData, setFont, setHeight, setHtmlTag, setID, setImgHeight, setImgMap, setImgQuality, setImgSizeable, setImgTags, setImgWidth, setMainClient, setOutputWriter, setProxyUri, setURL, setURLOptions, setURLParamMask, setURLTarget, setWidth
Methods inherited from class SoftwareFX.ChartFX.ChartCore
clearData, closeData, exportChart, exportChart, getAngleX, getAngleY, getAxesStyle, getAxis, getAxis, getAxisX, getAxisY, getAxisY2, getBackColor, getBackgroundImage, getBackObject, getBorderColor, getBorderEffect, getBorderObject, getBottomGap, getChartStyle, getCommand, getCommands, getConditionalAttribute, getConditionalAttributes, getConstantLine, getConstantLines, getCulture, getCylSides, getDataEditorObj, getDataSource, getDataSourceSettings, getDataStyle, getDataType, getDataType, getDesignTimeData, getExtension, getExtensions, getFileMask, getGallery, getGalleryObj, getGaps, getGrid, getHighlight, getImageMode, getInfoString, getIniValue, getIniValue, getInsideBackObject, getInsideColor, getKeyLeg, getKeyLeg, getLeftGap, getLegend, getLegend, getLegendBoxObj, getLineStyle, getLineWidth, getLink, getMarkerShape, getMarkerSize, getMarkerStep, getMenuBarObj, getMenuBarObj, getMessageText, getNSeries, getNValues, getPageColor, getPalette, getPane, getPanes, getPersonalizedFlags, getPersonalizedName, getPerspective, getPoint, getPoint, getPoint, getPointFont, getPointLabelAlign, getPointLabelAngle, getPointLabelColor, getPointLabelFont, getPointLabelMask, getPointLabelOffset, getPrinter, getRightGap, getScheme, getSeries, getSeries, getSerKey, getSerKey, getSerLeg, getSerLeg, getSerLegBoxObj, getSmoothFlags, getStacked, getStripe, getStripes, getStyleEx, getTemplateMask, getTipMask, getTitle, getTitles, getToolBarObj, getToolBarObj, getTopGap, getTypeEx, getTypeMask, getUserLegendBoxObj, getValue, getValue, getView3DDepth, getView3DLight, getVolume, getWallWidth, getXValue, getXValue, getYLeg, getYLeg, importChart, importChart, isAllowDrag, isAllowEdit, isBorder, isChart3D, isCluster, isContextMenus, isCrossHairs, isDataEditor, isDirty, isLegendBox, isMenuBar, isMultipleColors, isPointLabels, isScrollable, isSerLegBox, isShowTips, isToolBar, isUserLegendBox, isView3D, isZoom, markerToPixel, openData, paint, recalcScale, setAllowDrag, setAllowEdit, setAngleX, setAngleY, setAxesStyle, setBackColor, setBackgroundImage, setBackObject, setBorder, setBorderColor, setBorderEffect, setBorderObject, setBottomGap, setChart3D, setChartStyle, setCluster, setContextMenus, setCrossHairs, setCulture, setCylSides, setDataEditor, setDataSource, setDataStyle, setDataType, setDesignTimeData, setDirty, setFileMask, setGallery, setGalleryObj, setGaps, setGrid, setImageMode, setIniValue, setInsideBackObject, setInsideColor, setKeyLeg, setLeftGap, setLegend, setLegendBox, setLineStyle, setLineWidth, setMarkerShape, setMarkerSize, setMarkerStep, setMenuBar, setMenuBarObj, setMessageText, setMultipleColors, setNSeries, setNValues, setPageColor, setPalette, setPersonalizedFlags, setPersonalizedName, setPerspective, setPoint, setPoint, setPointFont, setPointLabelAlign, setPointLabelAngle, setPointLabelColor, setPointLabelFont, setPointLabelMask, setPointLabelOffset, setPointLabels, setRightGap, setScheme, setScrollable, setSerKey, setSerLeg, setSerLegBox, setShowTips, setSmoothFlags, setStacked, setStyleEx, setTemplateMask, setTipMask, setToolBar, setToolBarObj, setTopGap, setTypeEx, setTypeMask, setUserLegendBox, setValue, setView3D, setView3DDepth, setView3DLight, setVolume, setWallWidth, setXValue, setYLeg, setZoom
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ChartServer()


public ChartServer(javax.servlet.ServletContext context,
                   javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                   javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)


public ChartServer(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context,
                   javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                   javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getHtmlTag(java.lang.Object objWidth,
                                   java.lang.Object objHeight,
                                   java.lang.String tag)

Allows Chart FX for Java Server to determine the browser posting the request and return the appropriate tag to the browser for displaying the chart.

  • This method overrides the Chart.getHtmlTag() method. It is used only when MemImage = true.

  • Overrides:
    getHtmlTag in class Chart
    objWidth - Required. Specifies the suggested width of the chart. If the parameter is an integer the width will be measured in pixels. You can also specify a string containing a percentage sign (e.g. "45%") to use a percentage of the available space in the clients page (or frame).
    objHeight - Required. Specifies the suggested height of the chart. If the parameter is an integer the height will be measured in pixels. You can also specify a string containing a percentage sign (e.g. "45%") to use a percentage of the available space in the clients page (or frame).
    tag - Optional. Allows you to select the type of tag generated by ChartFX. The possible options are: ".NET", "ActiveX", "Image", "Jpeg", "Png", "SVG" or "Auto". In Automatic mode ChartFX will use the HTTP_USER_AGENT variable to determine the appropriate tag compatible with the browser being used by the user. If no value is specified, the default setting is Auto.
    See Also:
    Chart.getHtmlTag(), getHtmlTag(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String), Chart


    public boolean isMemImage()

    Gets the MemImage. For more detail see setMemImage(boolean).


    public void setMemImage(boolean memImage)

    Get or Set a property to instruct Chart FX to generate the image in the server memory.

  • When set to true, Chart FX will generate the chart image in the server memory, and it will store it in a session variable.

  • setWebContainer

    public void setWebContainer(javax.servlet.ServletContext context,
                                javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)

    Sets the web environment to the ChartServer object.

  • This method is used to load the web application PageContext, Request and Response to the ChartServer object, when the empty constructor is used.

  • Parameters:
    context - The PageContex or ServletContext object.
    request - The HTTP request object.
    response - The HTTP response object.


    public void setWebContainer(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context,
                                javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)

    Sets the web environment to the ChartServer object.

  • This method is used to load the web application PageContext, Request and Response to the ChartServer object, when the empty constructor is used.

  • Parameters:
    context - The PageContex or ServletContext object.
    request - The HTTP request object.
    response - The HTTP response object.

    2007 Software FX, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Chart FX is a registered trademark of Software FX, Inc
    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.