Chart FX for Java 6.5

Package SoftwareFX.ChartFX

Interface Summary
IAdornment This is the IAdornment interface.
IDataProvider This is the IDataProvider interface.
IGalleryType This is the IGalleryType interface.
IOutputWriter This is the IOutputWriter interface.

Class Summary
Axis Provides access to the Axis object.
AxisBase Provides access to the AxisBase object.
AxisCollection Provides access to the AxisCollection object.
AxisSection Provides access to the AxisSection object.
AxisSectionBase Provides access to the AxisSectionBase object.
AxisSectionCollection Provides access to the AxisSectionCollection object.
Bubble Provides access to the Bubble gallery object.
Chart Provides access to the Chart object.
ChartCore Provides access to the ChartCore object.
ChartDataObj Provides access to the ChartDataObj collection object.
ChartServer Provides access to the Chart object under the application server context.
Command Provides access to the Command object.
CommandBar Provides access to the CommandBar object.
CommandList Provides access to the CommandList object.
Condition Provides access to the Condition object.
ConditionalAttributes Provides access to the ConditionalAttributes object.
ConditionalAttributesCollection Provides access to the ConditionalAttributesCollection object.
ConstantLine Provides access to the ConstantLine object.
ConstantLineCollection Provides access to the ConstantLineCollection object.
CrosstabDataProvider Provides access to the CrosstabDataProvider object.
CrosstabDataProvider.CrosstabDataTypeCollection Provides access to the CrosstabDataTypeCollection object.
Curve Provides access to the Curve gallery object.
DataEditor Provides access to the DataEditor object.
DataSourceSettings Provides access to the DataSourceSettings object.
DataTypeCollection Provides access to the DataTypeCollection object.
DefaultBorder Provides access to the DefautBorder object.
DisplayBaseCollection Provides access to the DisplayBaseCollection object.
ExtensionManager Provides access to the ExtensionManager object.
FlashWriter Provides properties and methods to write chart in Flash format.
GradientBackground Provides access to the GradientBackground object.
GradientBackground.ColorCollection Provides access to the ColorCollection object.
GradientBackground.FloatCollection Provides access to the FloatCollection object.
HighlightGridSettings Provides access to the HighlightGridSettings object.
HighlightSettings Provides access to the HighlightSettings object.
HighlightToolSettings Provides access to the HighlightToolSettings object.
ImageBackground Provides access to the ImageBackground object.
ImageBorder Provides access to the ImageBorder object.
JDBCDataProvider Provides access to the JDBC Provider object.
LabelList Provides access to the LabelList object.
LegendBox Provides access to the LegendBox object.
LegendBoxBase Provides access to the LegendBoxBase object.
Line Provides access to the Line object.
Link Provides access to the Link object.
ListProvider Provides access to the ListProvider object.
Pane Provides access to the Pane object.
PaneCollection Provides access to the PaneCollection object.
Pie Provides access to the Pie gallery object.
PointAttributes Provides access to the PointAttributes object.
PointAttributesCollection Provides access to the PointAttributesCollection object.
Printer Provides access to the Printer object.
Radar Provides access to the Radar gallery object.
SeriesAttributes Provides access to the SeriesAttributes object.
SeriesAttributesCollection Provides access to the SeriesAttributesCollection object.
Stripe Provides access to the Stripe object.
StripeCollection Provides access to the StripeCollection object.
Surface Provides access to the Surface gallery object.
SVGWriter Provides access tot he Chart's SVG Writer object.
TextProvider Provides access to the TextProvider object.
Title Provides access to the Title object.
TitleCollection Provides access to the TitleCollection object.
TitleDockable Provides access to the TitleDockable object.
ToolBar Provides access to the ToolBar object.
UserLegendBox Provides access to the UserLegendBox object.
UserLegendBoxItem Provides access to the UserLegendBoxItem object.
UserLegendBoxItemCollection Provides access to the UserLegendBoxItemCollection object.
ValueFormat Provides access to the ValueFormat object.
XMLDataProvider Provides access to the Chart's XML Data Provider object.

2007 Software FX, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Chart FX is a registered trademark of Software FX, Inc
All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.