Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class AxisSectionBase

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.AxisSectionBase
Direct Known Subclasses:
AxisBase, AxisSection

public abstract class AxisSectionBase
extends java.lang.Object

Provides access to the AxisSectionBase object.

The AxisSection class is derived from this base class. All the supported members of this class are also supported by the AxisSection class. By creating axis sections, the supported class members allow the developer to assign visual attributes to the newly created axis sections. By allowing this customization, developers can focus end user's attention on particular values in the chart or display additional detail.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.awt.Color getAlternateColor()
          Gets the AlternateColor.
 Line getGrid()
          Returns a Line object used to customize the gridlines for a selected Axis or AxisSection object.
 Link getLink()
          Gets the Link object for a selected Axis or AxisSection item.
 Line getMinorGrid()
          Returns a Line object used to customize the minor gridlines.
 int getMinorTickMark()
          Gets the MinorTickMark.
 java.awt.Color getTextColor()
          Gets the TextColor.
 int getTickMark()
          Gets the TickMark.
 boolean isGridlines()
          Gets the Gridlines.
 boolean isMinorGridlines()
          Gets the MinorGridlines.
 void setAlternateColor(java.awt.Color value)
          Gets or sets the AlternateColor for a selected Axis or AxisSection object.
 void setGridlines(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating to show gridlines for the selected Axis or AxisSection object.
 void setMinorGridlines(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show or hide minor gridlines.
 void setMinorTickMark(int value)
          Gets or sets the style for the minor tick marks of an Axis or AxisSection object.
 void setTextColor(java.awt.Color value)
          Gets or sets the color for text of a selected Axis or AxisSection object.
 void setTickMark(int value)
          Gets or sets the style for the tick marks of an Axis or AxisSection object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AxisSectionBase()
Method Detail


public java.awt.Color getAlternateColor()

Gets the AlternateColor. For more detail see setAlternateColor(java.awt.Color).


public Line getGrid()

Returns a Line object used to customize the gridlines for a selected Axis or AxisSection object.

  • Please see the Line class for the supported members exposed by this property.

  • Use the setGridlines(boolean) member to show or hide the axis gridlines for the AxisSection object.

  • The Axis.getSections() member returns an AxisSection object which may be configured using the AxisSection classs members.

  • See Also:
    setGridlines(boolean), Axis.getSections(), Line, Axis


    public Link getLink()

    Gets the Link object for a selected Axis or AxisSection item.

  • Developers may obtain the Link object for an axis section item using this property. Using the supported Link class members, developers may configure a URL and Target using the respective members (Link.setUrl(java.lang.String) and Link.setTarget(java.lang.String)).

  • See Also:
    Link.setUrl(java.lang.String), Link.setTarget(java.lang.String), Link


    public Line getMinorGrid()

    Returns a Line object used to customize the minor gridlines.

  • Please see the Line class for the supported members exposed by this property.

  • Control the Step for the minor grids using the Axis.setMinorStep(double) member.

  • Use the setMinorGridlines(boolean) member to show or hide the axis gridlines for a selected axis object.

  • The Axis.getSections() property returns an AxisSection object which may be configured using the AxisSection and AxisSectionBase classs members.

  • The Axis.getSections() member returns an AxisSection object which may be configured using the AxisSection class members.

  • See Also:
    setMinorGridlines(boolean), Axis.getSections(), Axis, AxisSection


    public int getMinorTickMark()

    Gets the MinorTickMark. For more detail see setMinorTickMark(int).


    public java.awt.Color getTextColor()

    Gets the TextColor. For more detail see setTextColor(java.awt.Color).


    public int getTickMark()

    Gets the TickMark. For more detail see setTickMark(int).


    public boolean isGridlines()

    Gets the Gridlines. For more detail see setGridlines(boolean).


    public boolean isMinorGridlines()

    Gets the MinorGridlines. For more detail see setMinorGridlines(boolean).


    public void setAlternateColor(java.awt.Color value)

    Gets or sets the AlternateColor for a selected Axis or AxisSection object.

  • The AlternateColor is used when the selected axis is configured as Axis.setInterlaced(boolean). The other color is defined by the configured ChartCore.setInsideColor(java.awt.Color).

  • The setTextColor(java.awt.Color) property is used to control the color for the text of the selected Axis or AxisSection object.

  • The Axis.getSections() member returns an AxisSection object which may be configured using the AxisSection class members.

  • For more information regarding the Color type, please refer to the Java API Documentation.

  • Here is an example of an Interlaced Y axis:

  • See Also:
    Axis.setInterlaced(boolean), setTextColor(java.awt.Color), Axis.getSections(), ChartCore.setInsideColor(java.awt.Color), Axis, AxisSection


    public void setGridlines(boolean value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating to show gridlines for the selected Axis or AxisSection object.

  • The getGrid() member returns a Line object which may be customized using the supported Line class members.

  • The Axis.getSections() member returns an AxisSection object which may be configured using the AxisSection class members.

  • See Also:
    getGrid(), Axis.getSections(), AxisSection, Axis


    public void setMinorGridlines(boolean value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show or hide minor gridlines.

  • The minor interval is controlled by the Axis.setMinorStep(double) member, which must be set in order to use the MinorGrid. You can control the major interval using the Axis.setStep(double) member.

  • The getMinorGrid() member returns a Line object which may be customized using the supported Line class members.

  • You can use the setGridlines(boolean) and getGrid() members to configure the major grids for a chart.

  • The Axis.getSections() member returns an AxisSection object which may be configured using the AxisSection class members.

  • Below the MinorGrid (LightBlue) has been set to True, and the Axis.setMinorStep(double) member was set to 1.5:

  • See Also:
    getMinorGrid(), Axis.getSections(), Axis, AxisSection


    public void setMinorTickMark(int value)

    Gets or sets the style for the minor tick marks of an Axis or AxisSection object.

    TickMark : Define the different ways of displaying tick marks at the major and minor gridlines on the selected axis.
    TickMark.NONEHides tick marks for the selected axis.
    TickMark.OUTSIDEDisplays tick marks on the outside of the selected axis.
    TickMark.INSIDEDisplays tick marks on the inside of the selected axis.
    TickMark.CROSSDisplays tick marks that cross inside and outside the selected axis.

  • This property applies only to the minor gridlines, for the major gridlines please refer to the setTickMark(int) member.

  • The tick mark is not the gridline that crosses the entire chart, it is just a reference line that appears on every tick of the minor unit of the axis. If you want to display a gridline that crosses the chart, please refer to the setMinorGridlines(boolean) member.

  • The Axis.getSections() member returns an AxisSection object which may be configured using the AxisSection class members.

  • See Also:
    setTickMark(int), getMinorGrid(), Axis.getSections(), Axis


    public void setTextColor(java.awt.Color value)

    Gets or sets the color for text of a selected Axis or AxisSection object.

  • The TextColor member is used to set a color for the specified Axis or AxisSection labels. Please refer to the TextColor property of the Title object to customize the color for the axis title.

  • The Axis.getSections() member returns an AxisSection object which may be configured using the AxisSection and class members.

  • For more information regarding the Color type, please refer to your development environment documentation.

  • See Also:
    Axis.getSections(), Axis, AxisSection


    public void setTickMark(int value)

    Gets or sets the style for the tick marks of an Axis or AxisSection object.

    TickMark : Define the different ways of displaying tick marks at the major and minor gridlines on the selected axis.
    TickMark.NONEHides tick marks for the selected axis.
    TickMark.OUTSIDEDisplays tick marks on the outside of the selected axis.
    TickMark.INSIDEDisplays tick marks on the inside of the selected axis.
    TickMark.CROSSDisplays tick marks that cross inside and outside the selected axis.

  • This property applies only to the major gridlines, for the minor gridlines please refer to the setMinorTickMark(int) member.

  • The tick mark is not the gridline that crosses the entire chart, it is just a reference line that appears on every tick of the minor unit of the axis. If you want to display a gridline that crosses the chart, please refer to the setGridlines(boolean) member.

  • The Axis.getSections() member returns an AxisSection object which may be configured using the AxisSection and class members.

  • The major unit is controlled by the Axis.setStep(double) member.

  • See Also:
    setMinorTickMark(int), setGridlines(boolean), Axis.getSections(), Axis.setStep(double), Axis, AxisSection

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