Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class Link

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Link

public final class Link
extends java.lang.Object

Provides access to the Link object.

The Link Class members allow developers to get and set attributes for Link objects obtained from other chart elements. Many of the chart objects support a Link property that may be used to return a Link object. Once a developer has obtained this object, attributes may be configured using the members of this Class .

In the following example, the Link object of the chart is obtained and configured:

Link chartLink = Chart1.getLink();

Here is how the Link object of a series may be configured:

Link serLink = Chart1.getSeries(0).getLink();

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getTarget()
          Gets the Target.
 java.lang.String getUrl()
          Gets the Url.
 boolean isReload()
          Gets the Reload.
 void setReload(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value specifying if the chart is to be reloaded.
 void setTarget(java.lang.String value)
          Gets or sets the target frame or HTML Frame to be used when jumping to a URL.
 void setUrl(java.lang.String value)
          Gets or sets a URL for a Link object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Link()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getTarget()

Gets the Target. For more detail see setTarget(java.lang.String).


public java.lang.String getUrl()

Gets the Url. For more detail see setUrl(java.lang.String).


public boolean isReload()

Gets the Reload. For more detail see setReload(boolean).


public void setReload(boolean value)

Gets or sets a value specifying if the chart is to be reloaded.

  • This property instructs Char FX to reload to a different chart (only the chart will change) when the item is clicked in a drilldown event.

  • See Also:
    setTarget(java.lang.String), setUrl(java.lang.String)


    public void setTarget(java.lang.String value)

    Gets or sets the target frame or HTML Frame to be used when jumping to a URL.

  • This property can be configured with the "_blank" string value to open the link in a new window.

  • The web address to jump or reload can be set using the setUrl(java.lang.String) property.

  • Many classes support a Link property used to configure a Link object for the object. Some of these objects include: AnnotationObject, AxisSection, Title, PointAttributes, ConstantLine, Stripe, UserLegendBoxItem.

  • See Also:
    setUrl(java.lang.String), AnnotationObject, AxisSection, Title, PointAttributes, ConstantLine, Stripe, UserLegendBoxItem


    public void setUrl(java.lang.String value)

    Gets or sets a URL for a Link object.

  • When the URL target page is located in the same physical directory as the current page, you can specify the target file name only:

    If you wish to jump to another domain, you should configure the full web address:

  • Many classes support a Link property used to configure a Link object for the object. Some of these objects include: AnnotationObject, AxisSection, Title, PointAttributes, ConstantLine, Stripe, UserLegendBoxItem.

  • To specify the target frame for the URL, you can use the setTarget(java.lang.String) property of the Link Object.

  • See Also:
    setTarget(java.lang.String), AnnotationObject, AxisSection, Title, PointAttributes, ConstantLine, Stripe, UserLegendBoxItem

    2007 Software FX, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Chart FX is a registered trademark of Software FX, Inc
    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.