Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class SVGWriter

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.SVGWriter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class SVGWriter
extends java.lang.Object
implements IOutputWriter

Provides access tot he Chart's SVG Writer object.

Chart FX allows generation of charts using supported Chart FX external writers. The SVGWriter Class is used to configured additional attributes for the generation of SVG formatted charts.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCulture()
          Gets the Culture.
 java.lang.String getExtraAttributes()
          Gets the ExtraAttributes.
 java.lang.String getPluginPage()
          Gets the PluginPage.
 boolean isScriptable()
          Gets the Scriptable.
 boolean isXmlDeclaration()
          Gets the XmlDeclaration.
 void setCulture(java.lang.String value)
          Allows you to localize SVGs for a specific language and region generated using the SVGWriter.
 void setExtraAttributes(java.lang.String value)
          Adds custom attributes to the EMBED tag used to display the SVG when the methods getHtmlTag is called.
 void setPluginPage(java.lang.String value)
          Used to add customize the PluginPage attribute of the EMBED tag used to display the SVG in the source of the generated ASPX page.
 void setScriptable(boolean value)
          Instructs Chart FX to group the chart elements in the SVG source code.
 void setXmlDeclaration(boolean value)
          Instructs Chart FX to inclide the XML Declaration at the begining if the SVG.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SVGWriter()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getCulture()

Gets the Culture. For more detail see setCulture(java.lang.String).


public java.lang.String getExtraAttributes()

Gets the ExtraAttributes. For more detail see setExtraAttributes(java.lang.String).


public java.lang.String getPluginPage()

Gets the PluginPage. For more detail see setPluginPage(java.lang.String).


public boolean isScriptable()

Gets the Scriptable. For more detail see setScriptable(boolean).


public boolean isXmlDeclaration()

Gets the XmlDeclaration. For more detail see setXmlDeclaration(boolean).


public void setCulture(java.lang.String value)

Allows you to localize SVGs for a specific language and region generated using the SVGWriter.

  • Culture attributes set with this property will effect only selected data and labels, to set localization attributes for the entire chart, please use the ChartCore.setCulture(java.lang.String) property of the Chart class.

  • If no attributes are set using this property or the Chart class ChartCore.setCulture(java.lang.String) property, then Chart FX inherits the system culture.

  • When setting this property, you may need the Languaje Code and/or Country Code constants for the desired culture. For more information, please refer to the java.util.Locale documentation.


    SVGWriter w = new SVGWriter();


  • See Also:
    ChartCore.setCulture(java.lang.String), Chart


    public void setExtraAttributes(java.lang.String value)

    Adds custom attributes to the EMBED tag used to display the SVG when the methods getHtmlTag is called.

  • The EMBED tag is generated when an SVG is the selected chart file format. Using this property, you may add custom attributes included in the EMBED tag. For example the following code will product the below EMBED tag:

    SVGWriter SVGwriter = new SVGWriter();

    <EMBED SRC="/ChartFX6/Temp/CFT0311_01562024D0.svg" NAME="Chart1" TYPE="image/svg-xml" PLUGINSPAGE="" ExtraAttr="XXX" WIDTH="558px" HEIGHT="317px" style="Z-INDEX=101; LEFT=22px; POSITION=absolute; TOP=19px; " >

  • See Also:
    setScriptable(boolean), setPluginPage(java.lang.String)


    public void setPluginPage(java.lang.String value)

    Used to add customize the PluginPage attribute of the EMBED tag used to display the SVG in the source of the generated ASPX page.

  • The default value of the PluginPage attribute is "", however, using this property developers may customize this to reflect any URL:

    <EMBED SRC="/ChartFX6/Temp/CFT0311_0206201580.svg" NAME="Chart1" TYPE="image/svg-xml" PLUGINSPAGE="" WIDTH="558px" HEIGHT="317px" style="Z-INDEX=101; LEFT=22px; POSITION=absolute; TOP=19px; " >

  • See Also:
    setExtraAttributes(java.lang.String), setScriptable(boolean)


    public void setScriptable(boolean value)

    Instructs Chart FX to group the chart elements in the SVG source code.

  • Grouping the chart elements in the chart will allow for easy post scripting for the develper.

  • In order to utilize this property, you must include the SVG reference to your web application.

  • Depending on the different charts types, Chart FX will group the chart elements in different orders.

  • See Also:
    Chart.setHtmlTag(java.lang.String), Chart


    public void setXmlDeclaration(boolean value)

    Instructs Chart FX to inclide the XML Declaration at the begining if the SVG.

  • By default, XmlDeclatation is se to True.

  • When set to true, the XML declaration "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>" is included at the begining of the SVG.

  • Set this property to false is you want to include the SVG chart inside another SVG.

  • See Also:
    Chart.setHtmlTag(java.lang.String), Chart

    2007 Software FX, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Chart FX is a registered trademark of Software FX, Inc
    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.