Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class ConditionalAttributes

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.PointAttributes
      extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.ConditionalAttributes

public final class ConditionalAttributes
extends PointAttributes

Provides access to the ConditionalAttributes object.

Derived from the PointAttributes Class , the ConditionalAttributes Class allows you to assign visual attributes to a ConditionalAttributes object. Once the object has been configured with the desired attributes, the object may be assigned to a chart point based on the conditions configured. The value of each point in the chart is evaluated based on the conditions of each ConditionalAttributes item. Points that meet the conditions of a particular conditional attribute item will be retain the settings of that item. For more information regarding the configuration of the conditions, please see the Condition Class .

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Condition getCondition()
          Gets the Condition.
 java.lang.String getLegend()
          Gets the Legend.
 int getSeries()
          Gets the Series.
 void setCondition(Condition value)
          Returns a Condition object for the specified ConditionalAttributes object.
 void setLegend(java.lang.String value)
          Gets or sets a string label for the selected ConditionalAttributes object.
 void setSeries(int value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating which series the ConditioalAttribute will be applied.
Methods inherited from class SoftwareFX.ChartFX.PointAttributes
getAlternateColor, getBorderColor, getBorderEffect, getColor, getCylSides, getLineEndCap, getLineStartCap, getLineStyle, getLineWidth, getLink, getMarkerShape, getMarkerSize, getPattern, getPicture, getPointLabelAlign, getPointLabelAngle, getPointLabelColor, getPointLabelFont, getScheme, getSeparateSlice, getTag, getTypeMask, getURL, getVolume, isBorder, isInternalBorder, isPointLabels, setAlternateColor, setBorder, setBorderColor, setBorderEffect, setColor, setCylSides, setInternalBorder, setLineEndCap, setLineStartCap, setLineStyle, setLineWidth, setMarkerShape, setMarkerSize, setPattern, setPicture, setPointLabelAlign, setPointLabelAngle, setPointLabelColor, setPointLabelFont, setPointLabels, setScheme, setSeparateSlice, setTag, setTypeMask, setURL, setVolume
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConditionalAttributes()
Method Detail


public Condition getCondition()

Gets the Condition. For more detail see setCondition(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Condition).


public java.lang.String getLegend()

Gets the Legend. For more detail see setLegend(java.lang.String).


public int getSeries()

Gets the Series. For more detail see setSeries(int).


public void setCondition(Condition value)

Returns a Condition object for the specified ConditionalAttributes object.

  • The supported members of the Condition Class are used to configure the attributes for a ConditionalAttributes object.

  • Use the setLegend(java.lang.String) property to configure a string for a ConditionalAttributes object.

  • See Also:
    setLegend(java.lang.String), Condition


    public void setLegend(java.lang.String value)

    Gets or sets a string label for the selected ConditionalAttributes object.

  • The setCondition(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Condition) property returns a Condition object. The supported members of the Condition class are used to configure the attributes for a ConditionalAttributes object.

  • See Also:
    Condition, Condition


    public void setSeries(int value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating which series the ConditioalAttribute will be applied.

  • When configured to a value other than -1, the selected ConditionalAttribute will only be applied to the configured series index.

  • The members of the ConditionalAttributesCollection Class allow developers to control when attributes are applied to the chart and what chart elements will be taken into consideration when they are applied. For more information, please see the ConditionalAttributesCollection Class supported members.

  • See Also:

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