Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class Condition

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Condition

public final class Condition
extends java.lang.Object

Provides access to the Condition object.

The supported members of the Condition Class allow you to customize the conditions for a Conditional attribute. This includes the range for a data value to meet the requirements for the ConditionalAttribute. If the ConditionalAttribute will be active, etc. If you wish to customize the visual attributes of the ConditionalAttribute object (Color, MarkerShape, etc.), please see the ConditionalAttributes Class .

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean evaluate(double value)
          Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the configured condition is met for a specified value.
 int getDataElement()
          Gets the DataElement.
 double getFrom()
          Gets the From.
 double getTo()
          Gets the To.
 boolean isActive()
          Gets the Active.
 boolean isFromOpen()
          Gets the FromOpen.
 boolean isInverse()
          Gets the Inverse.
 boolean isToOpen()
          Gets the ToOpen.
 void setActive(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating whether the specified ConditionalAttribute is enabled or disabled.
 void setDataElement(int value)
          Gets or sets the data value that the specified ConditionalAttribute will evaluate.
 void setFrom(double value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating the beginning value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object.
 void setFromOpen(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to include the configured setFrom(double) value in the range.
 void setInverse(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating whether to reverse the configured setTo(double) and setFrom(double) attributes for a selected ConditionalAttributes object.
 void setTo(double value)
          Gets or sets a value indicating the ending value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object.
 void setToOpen(boolean value)
          Gets or sets a value indicates whether or not to include the configured setTo(double) value in the range.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Condition()
Method Detail


public boolean evaluate(double value)

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the configured condition is met for a specified value.

  • The setTo(double) property is used to specify the ending value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object. The setToOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setTo(double) value in the range.

  • The setFrom(double) property is used to specify the beginning value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object. The setFromOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setFrom(double) value in the range.

  • Use the setInverse(boolean) property to reverse the configured setTo(double) and setFrom(double) attributes and create the opposite condition configured.

  • The setDataElement(int) property is used to configure what data value will be evaluated when determining the assignment of conditional attributes.

  • Parameters:
    value - Value to Evaluate.
    See Also:
    setFrom(double), setFromOpen(boolean), setTo(double), setToOpen(boolean), setInverse(boolean), setDataElement(int)


    public int getDataElement()

    Gets the DataElement. For more detail see setDataElement(int).


    public double getFrom()

    Gets the From. For more detail see setFrom(double).


    public double getTo()

    Gets the To. For more detail see setTo(double).


    public boolean isActive()

    Gets the Active. For more detail see setActive(boolean).


    public boolean isFromOpen()

    Gets the FromOpen. For more detail see setFromOpen(boolean).


    public boolean isInverse()

    Gets the Inverse. For more detail see setInverse(boolean).


    public boolean isToOpen()

    Gets the ToOpen. For more detail see setToOpen(boolean).


    public void setActive(boolean value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the specified ConditionalAttribute is enabled or disabled.

  • The setTo(double) property is used to specify the ending value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object. The setToOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setTo(double) value in the range.

  • The setFrom(double) property is used to specify the beginning value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object. The setFromOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setFrom(double) value in the range.

  • Use the setInverse(boolean) property to reverse the configured setTo(double) and setFrom(double) attributes and create the opposite condition configured.

  • The setDataElement(int) property is used to configure what data value will be evaluated when determining the assignment of conditional attributes.

  • See Also:
    setFrom(double), setFromOpen(boolean), setTo(double), setToOpen(boolean), setInverse(boolean), setDataElement(int), ConditionalAttributes


    public void setDataElement(int value)

    Gets or sets the data value that the specified ConditionalAttribute will evaluate.

    DataElement : DataElement
    DataElement.YVALUEUse the Y value as the DataElement.
    DataElement.XVALUEUse the X value as the DataElement.
    DataElement.INI_VALUEUse the Initial value as the DataElement.

  • By default, the YValue for the chart is evaluated for a condition. You can use this property to select to evaluate the IniValue or XValue for each point contained in the chart.

  • Use the setActive(boolean) property to specify if a selected ConditionalAttributes object may be applied to a chart.

  • The setTo(double) property is used to specify the ending value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object. The setToOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setTo(double) value in the range.

  • The setFrom(double) property is used to specify the beginning value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object. The setFromOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setFrom(double) value in the range.

  • Use the setInverse(boolean) property to reverse the configured setTo(double) and setFrom(double) attributes and create the opposite condition configured.

  • See Also:
    setActive(boolean), setFrom(double), setFromOpen(boolean), setTo(double), setToOpen(boolean), setInverse(boolean), evaluate(double), ConditionalAttributes


    public void setFrom(double value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating the beginning value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object.

  • The setFromOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setFrom(double) value in the range.

  • The setTo(double) property is used to specify the ending value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object. The setToOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setTo(double) value in the range.

  • Use the setInverse(boolean) property to reverse the configured setTo(double) and setFrom(double) attributes and create the opposite condition configured.

  • The setDataElement(int) property is used to configure what data value will be evaluated when determining the assignment of conditional attributes.

  • See Also:
    setFromOpen(boolean), setTo(double), setToOpen(boolean), setInverse(boolean), setDataElement(int), ConditionalAttributes


    public void setFromOpen(boolean value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to include the configured setFrom(double) value in the range.

  • The setFrom(double) property is used to specify the beginning value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object.

  • The setTo(double) property is used to specify the ending value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object. The setToOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setTo(double) value in the range.

  • The setDataElement(int) property is used to configure what data value will be evaluated when determining the assignment of conditional attributes.

  • See Also:
    setFrom(double), setTo(double), setToOpen(boolean), setDataElement(int), setInverse(boolean), evaluate(double), ConditionalAttributes


    public void setInverse(boolean value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether to reverse the configured setTo(double) and setFrom(double) attributes for a selected ConditionalAttributes object.

  • The setTo(double) property is used to specify the ending value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object. The setToOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setTo(double) value in the range.

  • The setFrom(double) property is used to specify the beginning value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object. The setFromOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setFrom(double) value in the range.

  • The setDataElement(int) property is used to configure what data value will be evaluated when determining the assignment of conditional attributes.

  • Use the setActive(boolean) property to specify if a selected ConditionalAttributes object may be applied to a chart.

  • See Also:
    setActive(boolean), setDataElement(int), setTo(double), setToOpen(boolean), setFrom(double), setFromOpen(boolean), evaluate(double), ConditionalAttributes


    public void setTo(double value)

    Gets or sets a value indicating the ending value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object.

  • The setToOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setTo(double) value in the range.

  • The setFrom(double) property is used to specify the beginning value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object. The setFromOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setFrom(double) value in the range.

  • Use the setInverse(boolean) property to reverse the configured setTo(double) and setFrom(double) attributes and create the opposite condition configured.

  • The setDataElement(int) property is used to configure what data value will be evaluated when determining the assignment of conditional attributes.

  • See Also:
    setFrom(double), setFromOpen(boolean), setToOpen(boolean), setInverse(boolean), setDataElement(int), ConditionalAttributes


    public void setToOpen(boolean value)

    Gets or sets a value indicates whether or not to include the configured setTo(double) value in the range.

  • The setTo(double) property is used to specify the ending value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object.

  • The setFrom(double) property is used to specify the beginning value of the conditional range for a selected ConditionalAttributes object. The setFromOpen(boolean) property indicates whether or not to include the configured setFrom(double) value in the range.

  • The setDataElement(int) property is used to configure what data value will be evaluated when determining the assignment of conditional attributes.

  • Use the setInverse(boolean) property to reverse the configured setTo(double) and setFrom(double) attributes and create the opposite condition configured.

  • See Also:
    setFrom(double), setFromOpen(boolean), setTo(double), setInverse(boolean), setDataElement(int), ConditionalAttributes

    2007 Software FX, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Chart FX is a registered trademark of Software FX, Inc
    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.