Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class LegendBoxBase

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.LegendBoxBase
Direct Known Subclasses:
LegendBox, UserLegendBox

public abstract class LegendBoxBase
extends java.lang.Object

Provides access to the LegendBoxBase object.

This Base Class is not intended to be used directly by the programmer, however, derived classes of the LegendBoxBase can be used for legend box customization. For example, the LegendBox Class is derived from the LegendBoxBase and its members accessible through the use of the ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj() property. The UserLegendBox Class is another derived Class which supported members may be accessed using the ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj() property.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int getAlignment()
          Gets the Alignment.
 java.awt.Color getBackColor()
          Gets the BackColor.
 IAdornment getBorderObject()
          Gets the BorderObject.
 int getDocked()
          Gets the Docked.
 int getFlags()
          Gets the Flags.
 java.awt.Font getFont()
          Gets the Font.
 int getHeight()
          Gets the Height.
 HighlightToolSettings getHighlight()
          Returns a HighlightToolSettings object for a selected legend.
 java.awt.Color getTextColor()
          Gets the TextColor.
 TitleDockable getTitle(int n)
          Deprecated. You should use getTitles() instead.
 TitleCollection getTitles()
          Returns or sets a title object for the selected legend box.
 int getToolBorder()
          Gets the ToolBorder.
 int getWidth()
          Gets the Width.
 void invalidate()
          Invalidates the selected legend and causes a paint message to be sent to the legend.
 boolean isAutoSize()
          Gets the AutoSize.
 boolean isDrawingArea()
          Gets the DrawingArea.
 boolean isVisible()
          Gets the Visible.
 void setAlignment(int value)
          Allows you to align the selected legend box object.
 void setAutoSize(boolean value)
          Allows Chart FX to calculate the best-fit size according to the selected legend box position.
 void setBackColor(java.awt.Color value)
          Allows you to set the background color for the selected legend box.
 void setBorderObject(IAdornment value)
          Gets or sets a default or image border to the legend.
 void setDocked(int value)
          Sets the position for the selected legend box.
 void setDrawingArea(boolean value)
          Allows the legend box margins to go outside of the chart's drawing area.
 void setFlags(int value)
          Allows you to assign style attributes to a selected legend box object.
 void setFont(java.awt.Font value)
          Allows you to set the font for a selected legend box text.
 void setHeight(int value)
          Sets the height for a selected legend box object when it is docked or fixed in the chart.
 void setTextColor(java.awt.Color value)
          Used to change the text color for the selected legend box object.
 void setToolBorder(int value)
          Used to specify the style of the border for the selected legend box object.
 void setVisible(boolean value)
          Shows or hides a selected legend box object.
 void setWidth(int value)
          Allows you to set the width for a selected legend box object.
 void sizeToFit()
          Calculates and sets the best-fit size for the selected legend.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LegendBoxBase()
Method Detail


public int getAlignment()

Gets the Alignment. For more detail see setAlignment(int).


public java.awt.Color getBackColor()

Gets the BackColor. For more detail see setBackColor(java.awt.Color).


public IAdornment getBorderObject()

Gets the BorderObject. For more detail see setBorderObject(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.IAdornment).


public int getDocked()

Gets the Docked. For more detail see setDocked(int).


public int getFlags()

Gets the Flags. For more detail see setFlags(int).


public java.awt.Font getFont()

Gets the Font. For more detail see setFont(java.awt.Font).


public int getHeight()

Gets the Height. For more detail see setHeight(int).


public HighlightToolSettings getHighlight()

Returns a HighlightToolSettings object for a selected legend.

  • This property returns a HighlightToolSettings object, so you may customize how the Legend displays a highlighted chart element. Please see the supported members of the HighlightToolSettings class for more information.

  • See Also:


    public java.awt.Color getTextColor()

    Gets the TextColor. For more detail see setTextColor(java.awt.Color).


    public TitleDockable getTitle(int n)
    Deprecated. You should use getTitles() instead.


    public TitleCollection getTitles()

    Returns or sets a title object for the selected legend box.

  • Please refer to Title class members to modify other attributes of the title object.

  • See Also:
    Title.setTextColor(java.awt.Color), Title.setText(java.lang.String), ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.getSerLegBoxObj(), ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj(), Title, Chart


    public int getToolBorder()

    Gets the ToolBorder. For more detail see setToolBorder(int).


    public int getWidth()

    Gets the Width. For more detail see setWidth(int).


    public void invalidate()

    Invalidates the selected legend and causes a paint message to be sent to the legend.

  • When you modify a visual attribute of a selected legend, sometimes it requires that the legend be recalculated and repainted to display the legend as desired. Calling this method after customization will ensure new changes are visible.

  • See Also:
    ChartCore.setLegendBox(boolean), ChartCore.setSerLegBox(boolean), ChartCore.setUserLegendBox(boolean), Chart


    public boolean isAutoSize()

    Gets the AutoSize. For more detail see setAutoSize(boolean).


    public boolean isDrawingArea()

    Gets the DrawingArea. For more detail see setDrawingArea(boolean).


    public boolean isVisible()

    Gets the Visible. For more detail see setVisible(boolean).


    public void setAlignment(int value)

    Allows you to align the selected legend box object.

    ToolAlignment : Defines the alignment of the selected Chart FX tool in the chart.
    ToolAlignment.SPREADStretches the selected tool in the configured position.
    ToolAlignment.NEARLeft justifies the selected tool in the configured position.
    ToolAlignment.CENTERCenters the selected tool in the configured position.
    ToolAlignment.FARRight justifies the selected tool in the configured position.

  • You must make selected legend box object visible in order to see any of the visual attributes added using the properties of the LegendBox class.

  • The background color of the selected legend box may be modified using the setBackColor(java.awt.Color) property.

  • Using the setDocked(int) property, you can dock the selected legend box in different areas of the chart.

  • See Also:
    setAutoSize(boolean), setBackColor(java.awt.Color), setDocked(int), setTextColor(java.awt.Color), getTitles(), setWidth(int), ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.getSerLegBoxObj(), ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj(), Chart


    public void setAutoSize(boolean value)

    Allows Chart FX to calculate the best-fit size according to the selected legend box position.

  • When the user moves a legend from a docked position to another (e.g. Docked-Right to Docked-Top), The legend must be resized accordingly to fit all the labels associated with the legend being shown. When this property is set to True, you will not need to set the legend setWidth(int) or setHeight(int) as Chart FX will calculate those values for you.

  • See Also:
    setWidth(int), setHeight(int), ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.getSerLegBoxObj(), ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj(), DataEditor


    public void setBackColor(java.awt.Color value)

    Allows you to set the background color for the selected legend box.

  • When using a background image, you may want to assign a transparent BackColor to the selected legend box object.

  • For more information regarding the Color type, please refer to the Java API Documentation.

  • See Also:
    ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.getSerLegBoxObj(), ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj(), Chart


    public void setBorderObject(IAdornment value)

    Gets or sets a default or image border to the legend.

  • This property allows users to assign attributes directly to the border object of the legend.

  • The Chart FX ImageBorders use shading to give a multidimensional effect. The ChartCore.setPageColor(java.awt.Color) property can be used to modify the background color of the shaded area around ImageBorders.

  • The DataEditor and Chart classes also support this property for border assignment to those objects.

  • See Also:
    ChartCore.setPageColor(java.awt.Color), DataEditor, Chart


    public void setDocked(int value)

    Sets the position for the selected legend box.

    Docked : Define how to set the selected tool position (docked, floating or fixed).
    Docked.TOPDocks the selected tool to the top margin.
    Docked.BOTTOMDocks the selected tool to the bottom margin.
    Docked.LEFTDocks the selected tool to the left margin.
    Docked.RIGHTDocks the selected tool to the right margin.

  • When a selected legend box is docked to a margin you can use the setToolBorder(int) property to set the border style.

  • You may change the size of a tool with the setWidth(int) and setHeight(int) properties.

  • You can also change the alignment of the selected legend box using the setAlignment(int) property.

  • See Also:
    setAutoSize(boolean), setToolBorder(int), setWidth(int), setHeight(int), ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.getSerLegBoxObj(), ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj(), ToolBar, DataEditor


    public void setDrawingArea(boolean value)

    Allows the legend box margins to go outside of the chart's drawing area.

  • By default the legends are drawn inside the chart drawing area, for example when the legend box is at the right, the first legend will be at the top of the chart area, it will not use the margin on top. If you set DrawingArea to false, the margins will also be available for the legend.

    If there is enough space and the legend is centered (default), there will be no noticeable difference when this property is configured. The difference is visible when there are many legend values, the drawing area is too small, the opposite gaps (e.g. top and bottom) are different or the legend is not centered.

  • See Also:
    ChartCore.setLegendBox(boolean), ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), Chart


    public void setFlags(int value)

    Allows you to assign style attributes to a selected legend box object.

    LegendBoxFlag : Allows you to specify the style for a legend.
    LegendBoxFlag.WORD_BREAKWraps text when the legend alignment is set to spread.
    LegendBoxFlag.SKIP_EMPTYPrevents from displaying empty legends.
    LegendBoxFlag.SHOW_MENUEnables the context menu for the legend.
    LegendBoxFlag.RIGHT_ALIGNRight aligns the text in the legend. Used with Languages written from right to left.
    LegendBoxFlag.NO_COLORNo Colors are used for markers in legend.
    LegendBoxFlag.INVERTEDSwitches the order of the keys in legend.
    LegendBoxFlag.DEFAULTDefault legend settings.

  • This property uses bitwise operators to turn on and off the Flags settings. To combine two flags for a selected legend use the 'Or' bitwise operator:

    chart1.getLegendBoxObj().setFlags(chart1.getLegendBoxObj().getFlags() | LegendBoxFlag.INVERTED | LegendBoxFlag.RIGHT_ALIGN);

  • See Also:
    ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.getSerLegBoxObj(), ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj(), Chart


    public void setFont(java.awt.Font value)

    Allows you to set the font for a selected legend box text.

  • You can set the font for the entire chart using the Chart.setFont(java.awt.Font) property.

  • When setting a font in Chart FX, you must create a new font object with the desired attributes and assign that object to the desired chart element every time you want to change the font.

  • For more information regarding the Font type, please refer to the Java API Documentation.

  • See Also:
    getTitles(), setTextColor(java.awt.Color), Chart.setFont(java.awt.Font), ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.getSerLegBoxObj(), ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj(), Chart


    public void setHeight(int value)

    Sets the height for a selected legend box object when it is docked or fixed in the chart.

  • For a docked legend, the Height property applies only when it is docked to the top or bottom margin. The height can always be modified when the legend is fixed inside the chart area.

  • When you modify the height of a particular legend the setAutoSize(boolean) property will be set to False and even if you move the legend from a docked to a fixed position or viceversa, Chart FX will not recalculate the best-fit height for the legend unless the AutoSize property is set to True.

  • See Also:
    setDocked(int), setAutoSize(boolean), ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.getSerLegBoxObj(), ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj(), DataEditor


    public void setTextColor(java.awt.Color value)

    Used to change the text color for the selected legend box object.

  • Before you can see the text color assignments, the selected legend box must be visible.Axis.getLabel(int)ChartCore.getLegend(int)

  • You can assign the text for the values legend box using the Axis.getLabel(int) or ChartCore.getLegend(int) properties. The ChartCore.getSerLeg(int) property allows you to add keys to a series legend box, and the UserLegendBoxItem.setLabel(java.lang.String) property allows you to set keys for the user legend box.

  • This property does not change the color of legend box titles, please refer to the Title Class members.

  • For more information regarding the Color type, please refer to the Java API Documentation.

  • See Also:
    setFont(java.awt.Font), Axis.getLabel(int), ChartCore.getLegend(int), getTitles(), ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.getSerLegBoxObj(), ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj(), Axis, Chart, Title


    public void setToolBorder(int value)

    Used to specify the style of the border for the selected legend box object.

    ToolBorder : Set the border style for the tool object selected.
    ToolBorder.NONENo border used.
    ToolBorder.EXTERNALExternal border used for the tool object.
    ToolBorder.INTERNALInternal border used for the tool object.

  • Allows you to specify the border for a selected legend box to be External, Internal or none.

  • See Also:
    setDocked(int), ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.getSerLegBoxObj(), ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj(), DataEditor


    public void setVisible(boolean value)

    Shows or hides a selected legend box object.

  • Hiding a tool does not destroy nor lose previous settings assigned by other properties.

  • You may also use the ChartCore.setLegendBox(boolean), ChartCore.setSerLegBox(boolean) or ChartCore.setUserLegendBox(boolean) properties to make the selected legend box visible.

  • See Also:
    ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.getSerLegBoxObj(), ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.setLegendBox(boolean), ChartCore.setSerLegBox(boolean), ChartCore.setUserLegendBox(boolean), Chart, ToolBar, DataEditor


    public void setWidth(int value)

    Allows you to set the width for a selected legend box object.

  • The setHeight(int) property will allow you to manually adjust the height of the legend box. Both the Height and Width properties are configured in units of pixels.

  • You can use the setAutoSize(boolean) property to allow Chart FX to calculate the best-fit size according to the selected legend box position. If this property is set to True, manual width adjustments will be ignored.

  • For a setDocked(int) legend, the Width property applies only when it is docked to the right or left margin. The width can always be modified when the legend is fixed inside the chart area.

  • See Also:
    setAutoSize(boolean), setDocked(int), setHeight(int), ChartCore.getLegendBoxObj(), ChartCore.getSerLegBoxObj(), ChartCore.getUserLegendBoxObj(), Chart


    public void sizeToFit()

    Calculates and sets the best-fit size for the selected legend.

  • This method is particularly useful when the AutoSize property is set to False, as it will allow you to recalculate the best-fit size for the selected tool without setting the AutoSize property to True.

  • See Also:
    setAutoSize(boolean), LegendBox, UserLegendBox

    2007 Software FX, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Chart FX is a registered trademark of Software FX, Inc
    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.