Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class TitleDockable

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Title
      extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.TitleDockable

public final class TitleDockable
extends Title

Provides access to the TitleDockable object.

The TitleDockable Class provides the developer with a means of controlling positioning and alignment for configured titles in a chart as well as visual attributes. Using the supported members, you can adjust title strings to be center, near and fear as well as dock them in the right, left, top, or bottom of the chart. To dock a title or use line alignment attributes, chart title objects must be created as a TitleDockable rather than a general Title object.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int getDockArea()
          Gets the DockArea.
 int getLineAlignment()
          Gets the LineAlignment.
 void setDockArea(int value)
          Allows you to set where the title will be docked.
 void setLineAlignment(int value)
          Sets the vertical alignment for the lines of the chart title.
Methods inherited from class SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Title
getAlignment, getBackColor, getFlags, getFont, getGap, getLineGap, getLink, getText, getTextColor, getURL, isDrawingArea, setAlignment, setBackColor, setDrawingArea, setFlags, setFont, setGap, setLineGap, setText, setTextColor, setURL
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TitleDockable()
Method Detail


public int getDockArea()

Gets the DockArea. For more detail see setDockArea(int).


public int getLineAlignment()

Gets the LineAlignment. For more detail see setLineAlignment(int).


public void setDockArea(int value)

Allows you to set where the title will be docked.

DockArea : Define how to set the docked selected tool position
DockArea.LEFTDocks the selected tool to the left margin.
DockArea.TOPDocks the selected tool to the top margin.
DockArea.RIGHTDocks the selected tool to the right margin.
DockArea.BOTTOMDocks the selected tool to the bottom margin.

  • This property allows you to dock the chart at the top, bottom, left or right of the chart.

  • Other properties such as Title.setAlignment(int) and Title.setBackColor(java.awt.Color) assigned to a chart title will be applied in the new DockArea.

  • See Also:


    public void setLineAlignment(int value)

    Sets the vertical alignment for the lines of the chart title.

    StringAlignment : The StringAlignment type specifies how a string is aligned in reference to the bounding rectangle. A bounding rectangle is used to define the area in which the text displays.
    StringAlignment.STRING_ALIGNMENT_NEARSpecifies that alignment is towards the origin of the bounding rectangle. May be used for alignment of characters along the line or for alignment of lines within the rectangle. For a right to left bounding rectangle, the origin is at the upper right.
    StringAlignment.STRING_ALIGNMENT_CENTERSpecifies that alignment is centered between origin and extent (width) of the formatting rectangle.
    StringAlignment.STRING_ALIGNMENT_FARSpecifies that alignment is to the far extent (right side) of the formatting rectangle.

  • By changing the LineAlignment value, you can control distance from the title to the chart.

  • The Title.setAlignment(int) property allows you set the title left, center or right justified in the chart.

  • See Also:

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