Chart FX for Java 6.5

Class CrosstabDataProvider

  extended by SoftwareFX.ChartFX.CrosstabDataProvider
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class CrosstabDataProvider
extends java.lang.Object
implements IDataProvider

Provides access to the CrosstabDataProvider object.

Chart FX supports data organized in columnar format. In many cases, however, data is actually stored in tabular format, which previously required manual translation into columnar format prior to passing the data to Chart FX. This often-complicated translation of data format is costly in terms of development time. The Crosstab Data Provider is a tool that automatically converts data from tabular to columnar format.

The CrosstabDataProvider Class members allow you to create and configure the Crosstab data provider to accept your data.

Nested Class Summary
static class CrosstabDataProvider.CrosstabDataTypeCollection
          Provides access to the CrosstabDataTypeCollection object.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCulture()
          Gets the Culture.
 IDataProvider getDataSource()
          Gets the DataSource.
 CrosstabDataProvider.CrosstabDataTypeCollection getDataType()
          Instructs Chart FX how to handle each column of the data passed into the Crosstab Data Provider.
 int getDataType(int n)
          Deprecated. You should use getDataType() instead.
 java.lang.String getDateFormat()
          Gets the DateFormat.
 java.lang.String getNullColumnHeading()
          Gets the NullColumnHeading.
 java.lang.String getSeparator()
          Gets the Separator.
 boolean isXValue()
          Gets the XValue.
 void setCulture(java.lang.String value)
          Allows you to localize the Crosstab provider for language and region specific data.
 void setDataSource(IDataProvider value)
          Used to instruct the Crosstab provider to retrieve the information from an external data provider.
 void setDataType(int n, int value)
          Deprecated. You should use getDataType() instead.
 void setDateFormat(java.lang.String value)
          Instructs Chart FX how to format the dates when a column specified as a Row Heading is a date.
 void setNullColumnHeading(java.lang.String value)
          Instructs Chart FX to use the configured string value when a null column heading is encountered.
 void setSeparator(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the separator between two or more fields that form the point label, when more than one Row Heading is present.
 void setXValue(boolean value)
          Instructs Chart FX to use a single row heading as XValues instead of X axis labels.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CrosstabDataProvider()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getCulture()

Gets the Culture. For more detail see setCulture(java.lang.String).


public IDataProvider getDataSource()

Gets the DataSource. For more detail see setDataSource(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.IDataProvider).


public int getDataType(int n)
Deprecated. You should use getDataType() instead.


public CrosstabDataProvider.CrosstabDataTypeCollection getDataType()

Instructs Chart FX how to handle each column of the data passed into the Crosstab Data Provider.

  • The DataType property may be set before or after the CrosstabDataProvider setDataSource(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.IDataProvider) property is set, however, must be set before the DataSourceSettings class DataSourceSettings.setDataSource(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.IDataProvider) property which passes the data to the chart.

  • See Also:
    setDataSource(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.IDataProvider), DataSourceSettings.setDataSource(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.IDataProvider), DataSourceSettings


    public java.lang.String getDateFormat()

    Gets the DateFormat. For more detail see setDateFormat(java.lang.String).


    public java.lang.String getNullColumnHeading()

    Gets the NullColumnHeading. For more detail see setNullColumnHeading(java.lang.String).


    public java.lang.String getSeparator()

    Gets the Separator. For more detail see setSeparator(java.lang.String).


    public boolean isXValue()

    Gets the XValue. For more detail see setXValue(boolean).


    public void setCulture(java.lang.String value)

    Allows you to localize the Crosstab provider for language and region specific data.

  • If your data is from a specific country that uses formatting that differs from en-US, you need to set this property so Chart FX can understand the formatting of the text data.

  • When setting this property, you may need the Culture Name or Culture Identifier constants for the desired culture. These values are documented in the Java API Documentation.

  • For more information regarding the CultureInfo type, please refer to the Java API Documentation.

  • See Also:
    getDataType(int), setDateFormat(java.lang.String), ChartCore.setCulture(java.lang.String), Chart


    public void setDataSource(IDataProvider value)

    Used to instruct the Crosstab provider to retrieve the information from an external data provider.

  • The DataSource property of the CrosstabDataProvider class must be configured to a valid data provider such as a TextProvider, XMLDataProvider, ListProvider, etc. In other words, the CrosstabDataProvider can only read from another data provider.

  • Once the DataSource property has been set, you may set the DataSourceSettings class DataSourceSettings.setDataSource(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.IDataProvider) property to the CrosstabDataProvider object. At this point the chart will be populated with the data.

  • The getDataType(int) property may be used to instruct Chart FX how to handle each column passed to the CrosstabDataProvider.

  • See Also:
    DataSourceSettings.setDataSource(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.IDataProvider), getDataType(int), DataSourceSettings


    public void setDataType(int n,
                            int value)
    Deprecated. You should use getDataType() instead.


    public void setDateFormat(java.lang.String value)

    Instructs Chart FX how to format the dates when a column specified as a Row Heading is a date.

  • This property allows you to format date information that has been passed to the chart.

  • If no DateFormat is specified, the format will be set from the setCulture(java.lang.String) property. By default, the Culture property is set to en-US.

  • See Also:
    setCulture(java.lang.String), getDataType(int), Chart


    public void setNullColumnHeading(java.lang.String value)

    Instructs Chart FX to use the configured string value when a null column heading is encountered.

  • Null values are accepted as column headings. When a null column heading is passed, Chart FX will replace the null value with the configured NullColumnHeading string. By default this string is set to "Other".

  • Null data values are also accepted by the Chart FX CrosstabDataProvider. These values are handled as hidden points (Chart.Hidden).

  • Row Headings cannot be null. If so, an exception will be thrown.

  • The getDataType(int) property allow you to instruct Chart FX how to treat specific fields passed to the CrosstabDataProvider.

  • See Also:
    getDataType(int), setDataSource(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.IDataProvider)


    public void setSeparator(java.lang.String value)

    Sets the separator between two or more fields that form the point label, when more than one Row Heading is present.

  • When more than one column is specified to be used as a Row Heading, the label of each point is made by concatenating the different columns. The configured separator is concatenated to the end of each column, except for the last column.

  • See Also:
    setCulture(java.lang.String), setDataSource(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.IDataProvider), getDataType(int), setDateFormat(java.lang.String), setNullColumnHeading(java.lang.String), setXValue(boolean), Chart


    public void setXValue(boolean value)

    Instructs Chart FX to use a single row heading as XValues instead of X axis labels.

  • When chart data consists of a single row heading, setting this property to True will instruct Chart FX to plot the rowheading values as Xvalues instead of X axis Labels.

  • See Also:
    getDataType(int), setDataSource(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.IDataProvider), setNullColumnHeading(java.lang.String), Chart

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    All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.